Chapter 80

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Maggie's POV:
I grab my phone and look at it under the table, not wanting to get into trouble. I sigh as again I see a text from Shawn.
Shawn: Baby what about we skip the rest of the class? :) I'm bored
You: Shawn what part of we can't be seen together in public did you not understand?
Shawn: Come on, I haven't kissed you for  three days! Just say you need to go to the toilet and wait for me outside
You: No Shawn
Rolling my eyes I place y phone back in my pocket. I almost jump as I feel a light pinch in my side. God he knows how ticklish I am. Such a child.

If I ignore him he will get bored anyways. A few moments later I feel another pinch in my side, making me almost squeal. I quickly turn around and glare at him, mouthing a "stop it" but he just smirks at me.

I try to focus on the movie but Shawn's constant messaging doesn't make it easy. Therefore I turn my phone off without looking at what he texted me.

I hear a sigh behind me and the crumbling of paper. A paper ball lands on my desk and I open it. "Don't ignore me babe :("  I crumble the piece of paper agin and put it in my handbag.

When I thought he would finally give up, I feel him pinch me on both of my sides. Not being able to hold it back, I let out a squeal catching the teachers attention.

„Miss Cooper, is there anything wrong?" Our teacher asks annoyed. "Besides the utterly boring lesson, no nothing." I mutter, earning a warning glance from Mrs. Jones.

„Oh if you're bored with my lesson, you can talk with the principal for the rest of it!" she says, pointing towards the door. "Gladly." I take my stuff, glancing angrily at Shawn before heading out of the class.

I take my phone out and stroll towards the girls bathroom. No, I'm not going to the principal. Mrs. Jones never controls that anyways. Passing the biology room, I hear muffled talking from inside.

Again my curiosity takes over. I push the door slowly open, peeking my head trough the door gap. No one is to be seen but the muffled voices got a bit louder.

I step into the room and quietly make my way over to the other door which is for the room we but all the teaching material in.

I look trough the slightly opened door, noticing that there are two men? Their figure looks strong and tall, therefore these two are probably men. The back of the black wearing boy is facing me.

He also has the hood over his head which makes it impossible to recognize him. Wait? Is he hiding from someone? Oh god. Can it be? Taking a deep breath, I eye the other one.

Light brown hair, tattoos on his arm, tall and honestly he looks pretty intimidating. I don't think I've ever seen him in school. He  also looks a bit older than the students here. I can't hear anything.

They are talking too quiet. I step a bit nearer to the door as I strip over a box on the floor. Shit. They definitely heard that. "What was that?" I hear a deep voice ask, followed by steps coming towards the door.

No no no. I have to hide but where. Desperately I loom around for a spot to hide
I run behind a shelf, pressing my body to the wall. My heard is beating so fast that I could feel it pounding in my head.

„Probably a teacher..." I hear, before the voices disappear. Oh thank god. After waiting a few more moments to make sure that they are gone, I sneak over to the room again and walk in.

Looking around I spot a camera on a table. I grab it and turn it on. "What the hell?" I mumble, looking through some of the pictures. I'm on every single one of them!

Pictures of me in classes, on the sports field outside of the school, on my way home...even in biology class today! They were taken an hour ago. "I'll get it." I hear from outside the door which swings open a few moments later.

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