Chapter 85

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Maggie's POV:
„Shawn are you serious?" I ask, angrily. „Are you dumb or something? What do you think this is?" „I-." Shawn starts but Micheal interrupts him.

„Maggie, chill. We are just having fun. You want too?" he chuckles, reaching his cigarette like thing out to me. „Micheal you know what, just shut up and leave. I bet Emma would love to know what you are doing here!" I shout, raising my voice.

His eyes grow wide at my words, before leaving without another word. „And now you!" I almost yell, pointing my finger at a puzzled Shawn. „Drugs ? Really? Don't tell me you thought that they are smoking normal cigarettes here!" I add.

„I get it okey. I drank too much which is also not good but this, Shawn." I say, and grab the cigarette out of his hand, throwing it onto the ground.

„Is honestly too much." Crossing my arms, I look into his slightly red eyes. Probably from the smoke. His mouth hangs a bit open as he searches for words. „I'm sorry." he mumbles, chuckling afterwards.

I just raise my eyebrows. I was about to start shouting again as Shawn stumbles a bit back. I grab his arm, pulling him onto his feet again.

„Don't get angry again please. I won't do it again. But it wasn't bad..." he whispers the last part thinking I wouldn't hear it. „You are such and idiot sometimes." I say, sighing.

He suddenly sits down, leaning against a tree. „Shawn stand up." I demand, stretching my hand out for him to take. „Wait... I feel a bit dizzy." He breaths out, closing his eyes.

„How much did you smoke?" „I only inhaled twice or something..." he mutters, making me chuckle. He's like that after inhaling two times? I thought he smoked a whole cigarette alone.

„Hey don't laugh at me! I'm not used to it." „And you shouldn't be used to it anyways!" I say and hit the back of his head lightly. „I know... I won't do it again. Pinky promise." he says and holds up his little finger.

I laugh lightly not being that mad at him anymore but what he did was still stupid. „I'm sorry that I left." he mumbles as I help him to stand up. „It's fine." I reply, starting to walk towards the house. „No it's no-.". 

„Shit." I gasp, quickly letting go of Shawn which causes him to stumble back and land on the grass. „Ouch." I hear him groan but he doesn't attempt to stand up again.

I grab my phone to check if I got a new message. How could I forget that I was supposed to find Leah. Oh god. „Cone on pick up." I whisper.

After a few rings someone actually picks up. „Leah?" I ask, hopefully. „Maggie!" she answers. A feeling of relief washes over me as I hear her voice. „Maggie come to my car right now." she says with a shaky voice.

„What? Are you okey?" I question but she hung up already.  I start to head towards the house as I remember that Shawn is still lying on the ground. „Shawn stand up." I say. Not getting an answer I turn around. „Shawn!" I shout. „Huh?" He mumbles.

„Come with me." „But I'm tired..." he sighs. „Shawn we have to go and then you can sleep okey?" I say and pull on his hand. He doesn't move an inch, making me frustrated.

„Shawn!" „Just let me sleep." Sighing, I grab my phone again and dial Luc's number. „Maggie come to Leah's car, we-." „I'm on my way but could you help me with Shawn? He's lying on the ground. Come to the backyard." I say.

„What? I'm coming." he adds chuckling and hangs up. After Luc dragged Shawn towards the car where the others are waiting, I see a slightly bruised Leah.

„Oh god are you okey?" I say walking towards her to give her a hug. „I-I'm good. Don't worry." she stutters. „What happened to your arms?" I ask, pointing towards her red bruised wrists.

„I don't know... I was looking for you since you left the group and suddenly there was a boy. At least I think so. He had a clown mask on his face..."

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