Chapter 61

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Maggie's POV:
"Umm.. I need to go to a friend for a school project." I mumble, looking onto the ground. "Look at me when I ask you something and f*cking speak louder." Aron demands sternly.

My gaze meets his, seeing nothing but hate in his eyes. Not a single bit guilt or regret? Oh who am I kidding. Aron regretting something? Yeah right ans the tooth fairy exists too.

I mentally slap me for my thoughts. "I need to go to a friend for a school project." I say. "And who's gonna watch after your sister? I have to go somewhere now." He asks, leaning against the doorframe.

„I'm going to call the babysitter. Be back before seven o'clock." Aron adds before I could reply and walks back into the kitchen. The babysitter? Melly said she loved the babysitter so I see no problem. I grab my bag, putting my phone and make up bag in.

Sitting into the car, I check if I covered my bruises good enough. Everything looks okey I guess. After about ten minutes, I arrive in front of the Mendes house. I smile creeps onto my lips but as soon as I remember that Shawn is in New York it fades again.

I walk towards the front door but before I could knock, I get pulled into the house by Aaliyah. "Woah nice to see you too Aaliyah." I chuckles, trying to shake off the pain in my arm which she just grabbed. "Hey Maggie." she breaths out and hugs causing me to wince.

Can I please be even more obvious?! I scold myself as I see a confused expression on her face, eyebrows crunched together. "I just slept really bad tonight and now my back hurts." I answer her unspoken question quickly, not wanting her to suspect anything.

„Oh okey... let's go upstairs." she says and pulls me into her room. We are sitting on her bed for 15 minutes now but she won't spit out what's bothering her. "Aaliyah please, you know you can tell me anything. I won't judge." I say softly and put a hand on her shoulder.

She sighs but finally starts to explain. "Well... you remember Noah right?" I nod waiting for her to continue. "So umm... the other day I was at his place after school. His parents weren't home therefore we were alone and..."

„Aaliyah you are thirteen! What-" I say shocked but she stops me. "What? No it's not what you think! He... umm wanted to but I didn't. Listen, I told him no and he said that it's okey of course but since then he's been distant and kind of ignoring me." she explains, letting herself fall onto the mattress.

„I never thought that he is like that. What should I do?" she asks and looks up to me frustrated. I sigh remembering about Damian. He was just like that. Aaliyah really seems to like Noah but if he can't wait he doesn't deserve an amazing girl like her.

„Listen Aaliyah, please never do something you are not ready for. You would regret it. My ex boyfriend was the same and I don't want you to be as disappointed as me."

„He broke up with you?" Aaliyah mumbles. "Yes but if he doesn't accept what you want and what you don't want then he doesn't deserve you Aaliyah. Talk to him. Don't let him get you down like this." I say, pulling her into a hug, careful not to pressure my bruises. "Thanks Maggie." she whispers.

"What about we order pizza and watch a movie?" she asks, wiggling her eyebrows. I laugh, nodding and she reaches over to her phone. "I'm going to change quickly." I say and grab my bag.

It's so hot in this hoodie. For my luck I have a long sleeve shirt with me. Just as I pull my hoodie over my head the door opens, making me jump in surprise. „Maggie do you want- Oh my god... no wonder your back hurts." Aaliyah gasps.

I quickly slip my shirt on and try to find an excuse. "Maggie don't even try to lie to me. Who was that?" she says and walks towards me. I back away. She saw it. She knows it! Shit shit shit. "Uh... ummm... i-it's not..." I stutter.

"Maggie!" Aaliyah says sternly. "I- it's nothing... really..." I mumble. She grabs my hand ans sits me down onto the bed. I could feel the panic rising in me as she stands there and stares at me, this time waiting for my answer.

I gulp, looking everywhere but her way. Suddenly my phone rings, making me shrug. We both look at the display. "Shawn❤️" Oh god. I reach for my phone but Aaliyah is faster.

"If you don't tell me now, I'm going to tell Shawn. Maggie, your back... that looks painful. Tell me." she states while holding my phone up.

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