Chapter 10

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Maggie's POV:

I wake up to my best friend in the whole wide world: the alarm clock. Hope you heard the sarcasm.

Too lazy to stand up, I groan putting a pillow on my head. "Shawn" I whisper. Nothing. "Shawn!" I say louder. "Hmm?" he mumbles.

I take the pillow away looking to the other side of the bed. He wasn't there. I look over the edge of the bed and see him laying on the floor lightly snoring.

I laugh while stroking through his hair. He moves a bit but falls asleep again. I decide to get dressed, letting him sleep a bit longer.

Walking into the bathroom I grab my clothes and a make up bag, which I brought with me. I put on a red dress which is tight on my waist but goes loosely to my midthights.

I put mascara on and a bit concealer. At last I put my leather jacket and my red converse on. We only have twenty minutes before school starts, so I went back into Shawns room to wake him up.

He is still laying on the floor. I take a few pillows and throw them on him. He just groans, so I throw another pillow on him. "Okey, I'm awake" he sighs covering his face with his arms.

"Why were you laying on the floor anyways?" I giggle. After opening his eyes, he looks at me like he just saw a ghost . "You look amazing" he breathes out causing me to blush. "Thank you" I say looking everywhere but in his direction. Is it getting hot in here?

He coughs to break the awkward silence. "And about me sleeping on the floor. Well, it's not my fault that you need so much space to sleep." "Sorry!" I shout laughing while going downstairs to get an apple to eat.

After Shawn drove us to school, we go our separate ways to our classes.

I have maths now. Great. I have two minutes left before the lesson starts. I head towards the classroom. As I turn around the corner I got pushed into the lockers harshly, my books falling to the floor.

Holding my elbow, I shut my eyes in pain. I look up when I hear someone laughing. Stefanie and her three lovely fake friends. These four girls are the worst in our school.

"Oh I'm so sorry ! Guess I didn't see you." she says in a squeaky voice. Her friends laughing like she just said the funniest thing in the world. Oh god, how much I hate her ! "

"Shut up Stefanie! What is your problem ?" I say angrily while standing up. "What my problem is ? You! You are my problem! My boyfriend always looks after you! I just don't get what he sees in you. I mean just look at you." she says looking me up and down disgusted.

"So, stay away from him or I'm gonna make your life miserable." she adds walking away. I just roll my eyes. It's not my problem when her boyfriend doesn't want her anymore.

"Are you okey?" I hear a dark voice say behind me. Surprised I turn around to see a tall boy with black hair and dark brown eyes.

To be honest, he looks pretty hot and muscular. I've never seen him before. He must have noticed my staring because he chuckles and reaches out his hand for me to shake.

I laugh a bit embarrassed and shake his hand. "My name is Aiden and I'm new here. You are?" he asks smirking. "I'm Maggie" I answer smiling.

"Beautiful name. Well, Maggie could you show me where the class of Mrs. Lockwood is?" I look at the clock how late it is. Oh shit! I'm already 10 minutes late. My maths teacher doesn't like me anyways.

I sigh picking up my books. "What's wrong?" he asks furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh nothing, I'm just late to class but I'll show you where you have to go first." I reply.

"Thank you. Hey... what was that about? With the other girls?" Aiden asks scratching his neck. "They are just the popular girls from our school and the one with the black hair can't stand the fact that her asshole of a boyfriend is all over me." I explain laughing.

"Oh okey." he chuckles. On the way to his class we talked a bit more and he is really nice. I found out that he is Lucs brother and he came sooner to surprise him.

"See you at the cafeteria?" I ask. "Sure, see you later and good luck with your teacher now!" He grins walking away. A boring maths lesson and a whole speech why I should always be in time later, I walk into the direction of my next class.

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