Chapter 100

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Maggie's POV:
That was strange. Why is she acting like that? And who did she call? Something seems really wrong here. Leah's phone call, the text on Damian's phone and the call in the locker room.

Do they have to do something with each other? But that would mean that Leah probably knows who the unknown number is. Why wouldn't she tell me? But that makes no sense because who shot her then?

The police never found the responsible person but in my opinion thy searched too less. I mean she could have died and they just give up the search.

The ringing of my pops my thought bubble, making me jump. What if? I pull my phone out of my pocket, letting out a relieved breath as I see that it's so only my aunt.
Aunt Ellie: Maggie we can't keep blending out the fact that we are going to move soon. Let's talk please okey?
You: Fine.
Sighing I make my way home. I have to find a way to persuade her to let me stay. Oh wait... Shawn won't be here. That means I have to leave everyone behind and move to a place where I don't know anyone at all!

Maybe I could still stay with his parents and sister? Or maybe with Shelley or Leah? I shake my head trying to stop the tears from falling . I just want to stay here. Is that too much to ask for? A few minutes later I arrive at home.

Quickly putting my jacket and shoes off I head into the kitchen. The smell of freshly baked cake fills up my nose, making me smile. My aunt always made this cake when we visited her.

"Hey." I greet, sitting on a kitchen stool next to her. "Hey sweetie. How was school?" She asks, smiling lightly. I look at her with an 'are you serious look', causing a chuckle to escape her.

"Can we please talk without shouting and arguing now?" My aunt questions, taking my hand in hers. I shrug and look onto my lap. "I guess."

"You probably want me to get straight to the point." She says. "Maggie I honestly understand you. It's hard to leave everything and everyone behind but it's not forever." She adds, trying to look into my eyes but I keep my head down.

"Listen Maggie. Shawn is going on tour right? For how long?" "About a year..." I mumble, playing with the ends of my hoodie.

"See and when he's back you'll be back too. Maybe even sooner."

"I know a year is a lot of time but it's not only bout Shawn. My friends are here too Aunt Ellie.

Maybe I can stay with Leah or Shelley. Like you said, mom could be better in like one month too! So why can't I be with her here?" I ask, frustratedly. Hot tears running down my cheeks as I look at my aunt confused.

"I already told you. I have the responsibility for you as long as your mom is in the hospital-" "She's not getting better right?" I ask, wiping the tears away with the sleeve of my sweater but new one are escaping my eyes again.

"I never said that, Maggie. You know that it could get worse from one day to the other but also the other way round."

"But please! We could at least ask if I can stay with Shawn's parents or the others. Please don't make me leave." I sob, hiding my face in my hands. "Maggie." She sighs, rubbing my back.

„You don't get it do you? First of all Shawn will come home sometimes during tour, which means I could see him but I can't see him if I'm in England! Also I want to be able to visit mom as often as I can. Please." I beg.

I look up to her and it seems like she is thinking. I'm not going to move. She can't make me. "Fine, I'll talk with them but it's not sure yet, okey?" She replies, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you so much!" I reply, hugging my aunt tightly. "I just want the best or you hun." "I know but the best for me is to stay here." I say, looking at the clock.

"Is it okey if I go out for a while, I'm hanging out with a friend." „Sure but this time you'll come home. You are more away then here!" My aunt scolds.

"Of course." I smile, walking up into my room. I quickly change and fresh up my make up since it's running down my cheeks. I'm not really in the mood right now but maybe I can find something out.

I grab my purse and walk down the street to the little diner. To my surprise Damian is already there, sitting next to the window.

I push the door open as I walk in, making the little bell above the door ring. I look around to see a fee people here and there. I love to come here. "Hey Maggie!" I hear Damian call, as he walks towards me.

"Hey." I reply as he pulls me into a hug. We sit down on the small table and order something to eat and drink. "Everything okey? You seem a bit exhausted." Damian asks, smiling a bit.

"I just had an argument with my aunt but it's fine." I answer. "And about your mom? How is she?"

"At the moment she's good. I just hope it stays like that." I say, playing with a napkin. "Hey I'm sure she'll be okey." He says, taking my hand. I smile hoping that the waiter comes back soon.

I don't know why but he seems weird today. And why all these questions? I shake my head lightly. Is it so wrong to ask someone how they are?

He's just trying to be nice but he keeps looking out of the window. He's also really nervous. I wonder what's going on.

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