Chapter 88

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Maggie's POV:
Nervously I unlock the front door, the warm air surrounding me as I walk in. I put off my warm coat and shoes before heading towards the kitchen, where I see my aunt cooking pancakes.

I look at the clock to see that it's 3 in the afternoon. It's Sunday and I have a lot of homework to do and I have to study. Great.

"Hey." I say, sitting onto the kitchen stool. "Hey sweetheart." My aunt replies, smiling softly at me. "Just tell me what's wrong please." I sigh, waiting for her to come to the point. She lets out a long breath, walking over to me and taking my hand in hers.

"I guess you already know, what I want to talk about." she pauses to look at me. "You want us to move right?" "Yes-" "But why? Mom is here why should we move ?" I ask, confused.

"Maggie please let me explain. Look, you know that I have work and everything else in England. I love to be here with you two but I can't stay for much longer.

I also can't leave you two alone. I promised your mom that whatever happens, I'm going to take care of you and Melody." She says. "I understand that but what do you mean with whatever happens?" I question, confused.

I thought mom's getting better. I called her yesterday. She said she's good! "Sweetie, your mom... she's not getting better at the moment. She's getting worse." she says, looking at me worriedly.

"But..." I could feel the tears start to run down my cheeks as my aunt pulls me into a hug. "I thought she's okey." I whisper. "She didn't want to worry you hun but I think it's the best if you know." My aunt says, stroking over my back.

"But that doesn't mean it's over, Maggie. She still has chances to get healthy again. I just can't stay here for much longer and that's why I'm taking you two with me. We are going to visit your mom as often as possible-"

"No please. I can't go." "Maggie I'm not going to discuss that now." My aunt says, wiping my tears away. "When do you have to leave?" I ask. "In about two or three weeks." she replies.

"Aunt Ellie please don't take me away from here. I can stay with Shawn until mom is okey again. Really! We just have to ask his parents." I say, hopefully.

„Maggie no. I have the responsibility for you and Melody at the moment. I'm not going to ask Karen and Manny for such a thing." My Aunt replies. "You can't do that! If I don't want to go then I don't have to!" I yell, the tears not stopping to fall.

"Maggie I understand you but you have to understand me too. It's the best for you." "No! It's not! You don't get it, do you? I need my friends and Shawn more than anything right now. You can't do that!" I shout, storming out off the kitchen.

This is all getting too much. "Maggie please calm down." I hear her call after me. Quickly, I put on my coat and boots before running outside. "Maggie come back right now!" I hear my aunt shout but I honestly couldn't care less.

I run along the sidewalk for a bit until I get out of breath. I grab my phone and call my mom. How could she lie to me like that? „Hello sweetie!" She says. „Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, my voice cracking as I try to hold back the tears. I hear her sigh on the other end of the line and it's silence for a few moments.

„Maggie I love you and your sister more than anything, you know that right?" I nod,  remembering that she can't see me. "Yeah... I love you too." I mumble, playing with the end of my sweater. "I didn't tell you because you went trough really much lately.

I don't want to worry you. Just because I'm not as healthy as I was doesn't mean that you are going to get rid of me easily." My mom chuckles slightly, causing me to sigh. "Maggie I promise you I'll be fine okey? But it's better for you and Melody if you move to England with Aunt Ellie. Just for a while! It's not forever hun."

"I'm not going to leave. She can't take me away from here. I'll come to you later in the visit hours later. Love you." I say and hang up before she could reply anything else. I wipe the new tears away and head towards the only place I want to be right now.

The ice rink, where Shawn has hockey training now. While walking towards my car I think about the halloween party. Why would he take Leah? I mean, she got shot and now kind of kidnapped? It could be a stupid coincidence but what if it's not? Why her?

I arrive at home at home and hop into my car, driving towards the ice rink after while. Looking at my phone I notice it's already 10 to 5 pm. His practice  is almost over.

I enter the big hall, hearing the shouts of the players. Since it's a training the seats are almost empty, just some people from our school. I quietly walk up to the back, where I could still watch the players.

I sit down and pull my legs towards me, placing my head on my knees. I should have brought something more warm. It almost as cold as outside. My eyes wander over all the numbers, searching for Shawn's.

As I spot the 24, a small smile creeps onto my lips. Hi takes his helmet of, running a hand trough his matted hair making it fluffy again. He's smiling brightly as he talks to Luc. I watch as he walks to benches. Some girls walk walk towards him and the boys, dramatically swaying their hips.

I roll my eyes. They are so pathetic. „What are you doing here?" I hear a voice ask, causing me shrug. „Just watching them play. I had nothing to do." I answer, quickly wiping over my face to get rid of my teary eyes.

Damian sits down next to me making me nervous. Does he know something? „And you?" I ask. He starts to laugh, making me look confused at him. „As you see I just played hockey." he chuckles patting his helmet. „Oh." I say realizing how stupid my question was.

„Anyways about the presentation..." Damian says but I look down to the others again, not really paying attention. My gaze meets with Shawn and as he recognizes me he starts to smile but it soon fades as he sees Damian beside me, making me smirk.

It's so cute how he gets jealous so easily. My phone vibrates. I unlock it and see that I got a message from Shawn.
Shawn: Meet me by the showers
You: No. I don't want to see the whole team naked
Shawn: They are not here. You can just see me ;)
I chuckle shutting my phone again. „Maggie?" „Uh yeah?" „We have the presentation tomorrow remember?" Damian says, waving his hand in front of my face. „Yeah I know." I laugh lightly, standing up.

„Sorry Damian. I have to go now see you." I say and start to walk but he stops me. „Wait! Umm... do you want to drink a coffee or something together?" he asks, smiling.

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