Chapter 102

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Maggie's POV:
I hurry down the empty, rain drenched street which is only dimly lit up by a few lamp posts.

The cold wind blowing into my open jacket, making me shiver but that's the last thing I care about at the moment. I run further, trying my best to control my heavy breath. I can't slow down. Not now.

I look around but nothing looks familiar. Just run -down houses, a few cars next to the sidewalk and some trees. Where the hell am I? Not being able to run anymore, I stop, holding myself up at a cold brick wall.

Desperately I let my eyes wander in all direction, hoping that he doesn't follow me anymore. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep running. I pull my phone out of my pocket, almost letting it fall due my shaky hands.

"Come on, pick up." I mutter, pressing it to my ear. „Shawn please." „Since I'm not able to answer at the-." I hang up as his mailbox comes on. Shit. Why does he never pick up when I need him? I decide to call Aiden, maybe he picks up.

I dial his number, a raindrop falling on the illuminated display. Followed by another and another. Eventually it's starts to rain heavily again. I put the phone to my ear, standing under a small roof, so I don't get as wet.

"Come on." I mumble. Again no one picks up. „Jackson if you don't answer I'm going to kill you." I whisper, now dialing his number. I shrug as I hear metal shattering, making my head shot up but I can't see anyone.

Cursing under my breath I put my phone into my pocket again to protect it from the rain. What now? Leah's not home and Shelley lives too far away. I don't even know where I am.

Seeing a figure walking out of the street a bit further away from me, I slowly walk backwards into the alley behind me. Is it him? I can't see.

The person has a hood over his head. I keep backing up until I hear something fall to the floor, causing me to stop in my tracks. „A little girl like you in this area at this time? " I hear a deep voice say.

With my heart almost beating out of my chest I turn around, revealing a tall, blonde boy with a bit of a beard. Probably like twenty or twenty one.

„Not a good idea." he chuckles, stepping into the light of the house lamp. „I uh..." I stutter, making my way backwards. „You don't have to be afraid of me. May I ask what you are doing here?" he asks.

"Uhm... I've lost m-my way while I was on a way to my friend." I gulp. A chuckle escapes him as he walks a bit nearer. „A friend? What's their name? I know everyone here." the boy says, crossing his muscular, tattooed arms.

„Uhh... s-she just m-moved here." I lie, feeling very uncomfortable. He could be a murderer after all. I mentally scold myself for making me even more afraid. Can't I just stop thinking the worst?

"Mhm. Look I know you are lying. I'm Adam by the way." he laughs, stretching his hand out. I look at it hesitantly, making him grin. „Alright I know I don't look like a big cuddly teddybear but if you tell me why you're hear, maybe I can help." He says, pulling his hand back.

"I'm.... I'm hiding from someone and no one I call picks up." I say, quietly. He nods, his facial expression getting serious. „Well, I can hide you but now it's your choice if you trust me or not." he says, his greenish eyes boring into mine. I nervously look everywhere but him.

That's not a good idea, is it? But what if he finds me? I can't risk that. Can I risk it to go with Adam? I sigh, knowing that I probably have no choice. „Okey." I reply.

"Follow me." he says, opening a door in the house behind him. He walks in and I do too. I hope I won't regret that. We head downstairs until we arrive at another door, which he pushes open. To my surprise it doesn't look dilapidated at all.

We enter a huge room with a big couch in the middle, a TV, a kitchen on the other end of the room and two more doors, probably the bathroom or bedroom. Also shelves with many books are on the on the wall where two armchairs are standing.

"Make yourself comfortable. I guess you'll stay for a while. Want anything to drink?" He asks, walking into the kitchen. „No thank you." I say, standing in the middle of the room.

„Surprised?" he chuckles, filling a glas with water. „Kind of." I reply. „My name's Maggie by the way." I add. „Well, Maggie you can sit down if you want." he says, smiling at me.

I return a small smile and sit down onto the couch. „I'll get you a blanket and pillow." Adam says and disappears into the bedroom. I sigh, leaning back into the couch, closing my eyes.

Suddenly my phone dings making me almost jump. Maybe it's Shawn? I open the chats to see a message from my favourite person of all time.
Unknown number: I know where you are Maggie. Come out or something will happen to your lovely boyfriend Shawn
You: Leave me alone! And he's not my boyfriend
Unknown number: Stop lying sweetie you have three minutes
I swallow nervously. He knows that we've been lying. Is that why Shawn doesn't pick up? I tap onto Shawn's contact name, trying to call him but again he doesn't pick up. Oh god. Is he saying the truth? I don't have time to think about that now!

I stand up grabbing my jacket from the table and slip it on. „Where are you going?" Adam asks confused as he come out of the bedroom. „Thank you so much for trying to help me but I have to go now." I say, before rushing out.

„Maggie!" I hear hin call but I'm already out of the building. I run onto the street, turning to look in every direction. I spot two tall persons standing besides another alley.

It's too dark to recognize them but I slowly walk towards them anyways. I quicken my pace for the last few steps but I can't believe who's standing there.

"Shawn?" I ask, my eyes widening. „Maggie uhh....I can explain." he says.

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