Chapter 20

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Maggie's POV:

The rest of the day was pretty normal. I didn't see Jackson, Stefanie or Shawn. They all had other classes. I'm currently sitting in my room watching a Netflix series. I still have 2 hours till Jackson comes over for the project.

I decided to call my mom. "Hello sweetheart! Everything okey?" she immediately asks. "Yeah everything is fine. How are you feeling?" "I'm actually feeling great. Way better than a few weeks ago! So don't worry kid." she says cheerfully.

I laugh. Even in situations like this she never fails to be happy. "I'm so glad that you are getting better. We miss you." I answer. "Oh sweetheart, I miss you two more than anything but I'll be home before you know it!" We talked a bit longer before I decided to go for a walk.

I carefully put my jacket on, trying not to touch my arm. It still hurts like hell and my skin is burned pretty bad. Sighing I walk around the neighborhood. The leaves start to get a brown or orange color.

A few already falling down. I love Autumn. The streets always look so pretty with all the leaves. I pass Leah's house. Maybe I should visit her a bit, seeing how she's feeling. She called me earlier and sounded pretty ill. I walk up to her house but stop as I hear Leah laughing. What? I walk over to a big window which you could see her living room through.

I hide behind a bush and look through it. There's a second person. I could only see the back but the person is definitely male. She laughs again moving closer to the person. She seems not sick at all! Why would she lie to me? Maybe she's just feeling better now. Suddenly the person turns around to pick something up from the floor. It was Shawn.

What! Why is Shawn there? Oh... they have the project together. They are probably working on it. "Hey stalker!" someone suddenly shouts behind me. I turn around almost screaming but I cover my mouth with my hand. "Oh my god Jackson! You scared me!" I breath out.

„I see." he laughs. "What are you doing here?" he adds. "I could ask you the same." I mutter walking towards him. "Well, I was on my way to your house since we are going to work on the project." He says crossing his arms. "Right, then come with me." I say heading home. He still stands there for a while and I could feel him looking at me. He sighs and starts to walk after me. We arrive at my house and go up into my room. I lay on my bad on my stomach and he sits on a armchair.

„What about we don't work on it today and do something fun? We have plenty of time to finish it." he sighs looking over to me. "No we are going to do it today. I want to get it over with." I answer. I start to draw in my chemistry book when suddenly a pillow hits my face. "Do you even know what we have to do?" he asks me chuckling. "Of course!" I state throwing the pillow back at him but he catches it.

Well. "Oh really? Then what is the topic of this project?" he asks leaning back into the chair. "Ummm... you know... the thing..." I mumble trying to remember what the teacher said. "See! What would you do without me?" he laughs again throwing a pillow at me.

I catch it and throw it back at him starting to get angry. "Can you just stop?" I say frustrated. "What do you mean? he answers throwing two pillows at once on me. Why do I even have so many pillows? I stand up grabbing one of them and run over to him hitting him on the head.

"Aww is someone getting angry?" he laughs. God! Why is he so annoying? We start to have a pillow fight. Running around my room laughing. He grabs one of the big pillows and hits me with it. Not hard but he exactly hit my bruised arm. "Oww fuck" I shout holding my wrist. "Oh god I'm sorry! I forgot that you are hurt! Are you okey?" he speaks quickly kneeling down to me. I bite my tounge.

„Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry." I answer standing up. "Okey. I guess we're not going to start working today. Are you hungry?" I add. "Starving." he says standing up too. "Great let's make pancakes!" I shout running down the stairs. We cook the pancakes and after many burned pancakes we managed to make a few edible ones.

„You are not as bad as I thought you are." I laugh as he tells me one of his party stories. "Well thanks." he smirks. We finish eating and he goes home again. "See you tomorrow!" he says walking out the door. "See you, idiot!" I shout after him. So what now?

Should I call Leah? "Maggie!" I hear someone screaming causing me to jump. I turn around to see Aaron storming into my direction.

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