🍋🍋Master Natsu🍋🍋

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Lucy's POV
I want to have a little fun with Natsu before I get my baby belly. I want to take our little 'master' games further and I know he will love it. We have our business suits to use for our office play but what about servant play? I don't think he's ever thought of that. I'd like to do both actually. I love messing with him in his office because I love seeing him in that suit, he just looks so hot in it!

I decide to get online and order a maid costume as well as a few toys from a adult website. We are free every weekend so I'm going to drag him back to our honeymoon spot and have some fun there.

"Hey, Natsu. Does that vacation spot you bought have a office?" I ask trying not to smile but failing.

"No. Because it's a vacation spot. Why?" He asks now grinning himself. I know he's reading my mind.

"Can you have one set up? So if we are ever on vacation and you need to attend to something you can without leaving." I tell him trying not to sound suspicious

"Suuure. For business purposes only huh?" He asks while chuckling. "I'll have one set up. Planning on a vacation again so soon?" He asks with a smirk

"A weekend getaway sounds nice actually. Yeah. Maybe next weekend?"

"Sounds great to me. I can't wait." He says with a mischievous grin

Time skip
"Miss Lucy you have a package." Virgo calls through the door as she knocks. I go to the door and open it.

"Perfect. Thank you Virgo." I reply with a smile and accept the package. She bows and leaves as I close the door.

"What did you order?" Natsu asks curiously.

"It's a surprise. In fact. Leave for a bit. I want to make sure everything is in here." I tell him while trying to keep a straight face.

"I have a right to see what you got. I am your husband now." He says firmly and folds his arms over his chest.

"And you will see everything but later. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is Friday and we did plan our weekend get away. This is just something to make sure we have fun." I tell him while smiling.

I watch as his eyes shine with curiosity and mischief. I can imagine he's picturing what can be in this box. He looks at me for a little while before he gets up and leaves and closes the door. I rush to lock it and sit on the floor and open the box.

Ok let's see. Maid outfit, check. Fuzzy pink handcuffs so I can tease Natsu about how they match his hair, check. Small hand whip, check. Neck shackle with chain, check. And finally erotic massage oil/lubricant because a erotic massage sounds amazing, check. Perfect! Now to reseal this box so he can't snoop in it.

I reseal the box and open the door to see Natsu standing there with a grin on his face. "What?" I ask innocently

"I heard you mumbling and giggling and even squealing at some points. Now I'm really curious what you got." He says with a serious tone but a grin on his face.

"The best gifts are ones you have to wait for. And I resealed the box tight so you can't open it without me knowing." I tell him and he glares at me. "You only have to wait 24 hours now. Oh is that office set up?"

"Yes Mrs. Dragneel the office is set up for us to handle our business in." Natsu says with a grin while I blush.

"Yeah. For business purposes only."

"Whatever you say." He chuckles as he walks in the room and closes the door.

"Keep being sassy and I won't let you be master anymore. I'll take the role." I tell him in a menacing tone and pin him to the wall. I watch his face go to shock then smile evilly. He quickly flips and pins me to the wall.

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora