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Natsu's POV
While I was walking through town, I saw and heard a beautiful young woman sitting down at a fountain. She was singing with no instruments and she sounded amazing. I'm hypnotized by her and walk right up to her. She looks at me in annoyance and gathers he stuff and walks away. I blink my eyes in surprise. Usually girls fall all over me. But not her. She doesn't give a damn who I am.

Oh I like this already. She doesn't recognize me and she doesn't care who I am. She doesn't even want to know.

Miss. You have my attention. I love a challenge.

I follow her through the crowd and she seems to notice. She speeds up and so do I. She cuts a corner and I follow. She ends up in a dead end and I corner her like a tiger stalking its prey. I see her breathing fast and it excites me. I stop about 2 feet from her and look her over. I see her starting to cry and I snap out of my animalistic trance.

"I'm sorry! Please don't cry. I mean you no harm!" I apologize and bow down respectfully. She looks at me in surprise and tilts her head.

"What do you want?" She speaks and her voice sounds like angels singing in my ears.

"I wanted to offer to take you to eat. You look hungry." I tell her and resume my standing position.

"How do I know I can trust you not to kidnap me?" She asks and folds her arm over her chest.

"I give you my word as a gentleman. I promise I won't hurt you in any way, shape or form." I reply and hold out my hand. She places her hand in mine and I gently kiss it. I look up at her to see her blush.

"Very well sir. My name is Lucy. What's yours?"

"My name is Natsu. It's a pleasure to meet you Lucy and might I add you have a beautiful voice." I say softly and she blushes again.

"Thank you Natsu. Shall we go?"

"Yes. Lead the way. Anywhere you want to go." I bow and motion to the exit of the alley and she giggles at me and walks by with her stuff in tow.

She has manners. She must of been brought up in a proper household like I was. I wonder what happened.

I wonder these thoughts and more as I follow the blonde angel that is in front of me to a local buffet.

She enters first and I hear a old man yell "get out! Your not welcome here!" And she stops dead in her tracks. She turns to leave but I stop her.

"Your with me. Don't worry." I reassure her and she nods.

"I said get out!" He yells again

"Sir she's with me. If you kick her out then you kick us both out." I say firmly.

"What do I care?! Your nothing but trash as well!" He yells.

Oh how I love being in disguise. You see people's true colors.

"Sir I'm willing to pay cash right now to eat here with this beautiful woman."

"No! Get out!" He yells again this time getting in my face.

Oh your going down tomorrow old man. I think to myself and turn with Lucy and leave.

"I'm so sorry about that." She apologizes with tears in her eyes.

"It's ok. People tend to judge based on appearances a lot. How about we go and get you some new clothes and clean you up? Then afterwards we can eat somewhere nice?" I offer her with a smile

"Oh no Natsu Sir I cant allow you to waste your money on me! It's ok really. Let's just go to a market or something and buy some food we can eat without cooking." She sounds flustered.

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Where stories live. Discover now