The beggar

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Hello poor reader. My name is Lucy Heartfilia. I am a homeless girl that lives alone and broke on the streets. I sing to earn some money to buy food because I hate stealing.

I wasn't always like this. My family used to be rich. The richest family in Fiore. But one day my parents were killed in a plane crash. They were on their way home from a business trip when the plane malfunctioned and crashed in the middle of the ocean. No one survived and no bodies were found despite the endless searches.

I was left in the care of a family friend that we knew for our whole lives. That was a mistake. He took over the company as well and bankrupted it. Then took his anger out on me. He abused me in every way you can imagine. I finally had enough when I turned 16 and ran away. Far away. I ran for days and finally made it to the city of magnolia where I have been living. Well trying to at least.

I am now 20 years old and am still struggling. I have no education and no work experience so no one wants me. I decided to take up singing when I first arrived here and have been roaming around different locations and sing for people. Sometimes I make decent money and other times I make barely enough to buy a candy bar.

Today I'm singing while sitting on a fountain. The sound of the water acts as my melody and I sing about the wonders of the sky and the beauty of the stars. I look up to see a man walking twords me. He seems to be entranced by me. Which is nothing new.

I look at him in annoyance and gather my stuff. I can't be bothered by another guy that thinks cause I'm poor they can take advantage of me.

I look at him one last time and leave.

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Where stories live. Discover now