The wedding

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After Levy calmed down about the baby announcement she rushed over so she could see the card I gave Natsu. It had a ultrasound of the baby in there. He was treasuring that card like it was made of crystal and I understood why. I had the card custom made and printed to make it special.

The front said: Happy Father's Day to a very special father.

That's when Natsu gave me a sour look when he first opened it. I knew he would but I didn't care.

The inside had the ultrasound printed on it and it said: Happy Father's Day Natsu. Your going to be a amazing father. Love, Lucy

That's when he looked at the card then me a million times then smiled so big and I knew he was extremely happy.

"Congratulations Natsu! I know your so happy! And congratulations to you to Lucy! I know you both will be amazing parents!" Levy shouts and hugs us both tightly.

"Thanks Levy." Me and Natsu say at the same time and laugh

"This is Perfect timing to. You guys get married in less than 2 weeks so she won't be showing and you guys can still enjoy the honeymoon." Levy says with a smile

"That's true. Very true." Natsu says while still holding me from behind.

We talk for a while and talk baby names but haven't decided on one yet. We want it to be unique and have meaning. We also talk about if we want to know the gender or let it be a surprise. All these are hard decisions so we decide to just let it hang in the air for now and focus on the wedding.

Time skip
Parties are awesome. But not for this girl since I'm pregnant. It the day before the wedding and Levy and Erza are trying to get me to party but I'm not in the mood. I'm scared to hurt the baby and plus I'm being kept from Natsu which is killing me. He's been by my side almost every second since I told him I'm pregnant and now he's been ripped from me.

Gray and Gajeel and Scorpio and Erza boyfriend named jellal have taken him away from me for the night and I'm freaking out. I can't spend the night away from him. I never have except when I was in the hospital and I never want to again. They keep saying it's bad luck but I don't believe in that nonsense.

"If we call him will you calm down?!" Levy finally asks because I'm freaking out and fighting them because I want to go to Natsu.

"I guess. But I want him here more than anything!" I yell and she sighs

She calls Natsu and he answers.


Natsu. It's Levy. Got a minute?

Yeah. Why? I something wrong?!

No. Just your soon to be wife refuses to relax unless your here. I was hoping you can calm her down.

I'll come home. I'm not enjoying myself much  since I'm not with her so I know how she feels.

But Natsu its bad luck to-

That's a load of shit and you know it! It's superstitious nonsense! Sorry....

It's ok. I understand your both stressed about everything. Come on and calm your wife.

I'll be there soon. Natsu says and hangs up

"Lucy. I'm not superstitious myself but it is tradition. Would you be mad if we woke you up early to get you ready without waking him up?" Levy asks sadly

"I won't be mad. In fact why don't you stay the night and you to Erza. That way you guys can help me get ready and we can still keep the tradition?" I tell them and they smile and nod their heads rapidly

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Where stories live. Discover now