A new home and new job

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I gently kiss lucy and to my surprise she kisses me back. Not hard but gently. I feel electricity course through me and know I've found the perfect girl for me. I gently pull away and look into her eyes. I see her smile blissfully and I smile back.

"Stay with me tonight." I say softly and she blushes.

"Natsu I'm still a-"

"I didn't mean like that." I chuckle and she blushes more. "I mean just stay with me. I won't pressure you into anything. I just want to sleep with you in my arms."

She blushes bright red and nods and I smile.

"Wait. I don't have anything to change into. I usually just sleep in my clothes but I don't want to do that here." Lucy says bashfully.

"Here I'll get you something. Wait a moment." I turn and head to my dresser. I pull out a oversized t shirt I like to lounge around in sometimes and hand it to her. "Here you go."

"Thanks." She says and starts undressing. I stand there stunned for a second.

"Uhh. You can go to the restroom and change." I say as I turn around quickly.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She apologizes and rushes to the restroom. While she's in there I quickly change in sweat pants and no shirt. I don't like sleeping with shirts on.

"It's ok. You just caught me off guard." I tell her through the door then go to my bed. She emerges a few minutes later with just my shirt on. It fits her like a nightgown.

"Come on. Let's go to sleep." I say softly and pat the spot on the bed beside me. She happily hops into the bed like a kid and I can't help but laugh at her excitement.

"Oh it's been so long since I've slept in a bed! It feels so good!" She yells with excitement and I laugh again.

"I'm glad you like it." I smile at her and she gives me the brightest smile I've ever seen. It makes my heart melt.

Who'd of known my dream girl would be homeless when I met her?

I lay back in the king size bed and put my arms behind my head. I suddenly feel Lucy lay her head on my chest right by my shoulder. I look down at her and smile as she cuddles up to me and I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"Good night Lucy."

"Good night Natsu." She says sleepily and quickly falls asleep.

I could get used to this feeling. I'll never let you go Lucy. Never.

Time skip
I wake up to the sound of my alarm the next morning. I groan and turn it off. I still feel Lucy asleep on me. She hasn't moved at all. I kiss her forehead and wiggle free. Trying not to wake her.

"Natsu?" She says sleepily.

"It's ok. You can go back to sleep." I reassure her as I sit up in the bed.

"I want to stay with you." She whines softly and lays on my back and wraps her arms around me. I smile and place my hand on her arms.

"It's ok. Really. I have work to do."

"Speaking of work. What kind of work will I be doing?" She asks.

Crap I forgot. I think for a moment and it comes to me.

"Actually. How about you be my personal assistant? You can make notes of my day and answer the phone. As well as help me with other odds and ends? Basically anything I say you do. Sound good?" I ask and she nods her head.

"I can do that! That means I can practice writing again!" She says excitedly

"Good. I'm glad. Now for clothes. How about wear that fancy outfit I bought you for today and after work we will go shopping for business clothes?

She nods her head enthusiastically and I chuckle.

"I see your excited." I smile and go to my closet to get dressed.

"Yes sir! I've been wanting a chance to prove myself for a long time and now I finally got that chance! I won't disappoint you!" She sings as she slips on the dress.

I smile at her energy. She's something else. I emerge from the closet in my business suit and she stares at me.

"What?" I smirk at her.

"N-nothing." She stutters.

I fold my arms and look at her and raise a eyebrow.

"Fine! You look hot in that suit. Happy?" She blushes

"Very." I reply with a grin and wink at her. She blushes more. "Come on. We need to go."

We exit the house and head to the garage where my driver is waiting. He looks at me with surprise when he sees Lucy walking with me.

"This is Lucy. She's my new personal assistant and she will be living here as well. I will make a announcement later about her but for now we need to get to work."

"Yes sir." He replies and opens the door for us. I motion for Lucy to get in first and then I slide in next to her.

"Stick with me all day. Do not leave my side."

"Yes sir." She replies.

"Relax. You don't need to address me as sir unless other people are around. Just call me Natsu. Ok?"

"Ok Natsu."

"That's better." I say with a smile. She smiles at me but she looks nervous.

"Relax Lucy. I'm your boss and I won't judge you or be mean to you."

"Yes sir-I mean Natsu."

This is going to be a long day. I say to myself and smile. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Where stories live. Discover now