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Lucy's POV
Being pregnant is getting interesting. It's annoying but fun, especially seeing Natsu being so happy. Every little thing is new and amazing to him. It's August now and I'm about 2 months along so I'm still not really showing but I am getting morning sickness which is annoying. We've been going to our vacation spot every weekend for a little while now to have some fun but I've noticed him being careful and not to dominant anymore which is nice.

Natsu has been going with me to the weekly doctor visits and you can tell by the look on his face that he's ecstatic about everything. He loves hearing that the baby is ok and developing well and that I'm ok. The people at the doctors office were beyond amazed when they saw us walking in considering his status in the world. We always get the royal treatment and get seen almost immediately which isn't surprising considering he owns everything and most likely pays everyone in the office.

"Natsu. I swear your glowing as much as I am and I don't think I've ever seen you smile so much!" I squeal in laughter on the way home.

"I can't help it Luce. I'm happy. I never expected all this to happen after what Lisanna did to me. But look at me, I married someone amazing and I'm about to be a father. I couldn't be happier!" He shouts happily and goes right back to smiling like a idiot which makes me laugh again.

"I know your happy." I tell him and lean against him and grab his hand. "Seeing you happy makes me happy."

We get home not long after and Natsu heads straight for the baby room which makes me smile and shake my head. I follow him and see him looking at everything. Right now we have only basics and neutral colors until we find out the gender which won't be for a few months still.

"Natsu! Relax! We still have 7 months until the baby is born and 3 months until we can tell gender! Chill!" I shout but end up laughing. He's just so excited.

"I know! But still! Everything needs to be ready and be perfect!" He shouts and examines everything.

I walk up and wrap my arms around him. He takes a deep breath and starts to calm down. "Thank you. Now come on. We need to go relax. Especially you before you explode from excitement." I giggle and he just smiles and holds me tightly.

Time skip
Today is the day of the ultrasound to tell the gender and Natsu is absolutely buzzing with excitement. I just giggle at him as he gets ready for work while I look at myself in the mirror at the new outfit I have to wear since I'm getting my baby belly now. I'm about 5 months pregnant and clearly visible. I didn't even know they made maternity suits yet here I am wearing one and I have quite a few thanks to Natsu.

Natsu has been amazing through all this. That smile has never left his face and he makes sure I have absolutely everything I want or need. I'm looking at myself in the mirror when I see Natsu appear behind me and wraps his arms around me and rests his hands on my stomach. I sigh and lay my head back on him and rest my hands on his.

"You look absolutely beautiful Lucy." Natsu says softly and kisses my neck.

"Thank you Natsu. You ready?" I ask and he nods. "Let's go then." I tell him and try to pull away but he won't let me go.

"I don't want to let you go." Natsu whines and I giggle.

Then we felt the baby kick and Natsu's eyes grew wide. He hasn't felt the baby kick before only I have and the baby isn't a active kicker yet. I look in the mirror and Natsu has a look of shock and joy and he looks like he wants to cry out of happiness. I just smile at him and watch in the mirror as he rubs my stomach gently.

"The baby isn't a active kicker so we can't just wait for it to happen again. I'm just so happy you felt it now." I tell him and gently pull away

"Me too. That felt amazing. Knowing there's a little person in there is fascinating." He chuckles and wraps me in a hug.

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Where stories live. Discover now