His office

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Natsu's POV
"Ok Lucy, here's a brief overview of your job. As my personal assistant you have to do anything and everything I say, but don't worry I won't have you do anything crazy or anything that will make you uncomfortable. Basically if I ask for something you go get it. If I ask you to take down a note you write down what I say. If I ask you to answer the phone you answer it. Ok?" I tell Lucy while we are on our way to the office.

"Yes Natsu. I understand." Lucy replies.

"If you need anything let me know as well. As the boss I can do anything you need." I smile at her.

"Yes. I understand."

"Loosen up Lucy. You'll be ok. I know this is all new for you but there's no reason to be so tense." I place my hand on hers and she jerks it away. I look at her with surprise

"I'm sorry. I'm just extremely nervous. I don't mean to be rude." She says sadly and looks down at her lap

"It's alright. I understand. You need some time to adjust. Just know I'm here if you need me." I say reassuringly and gently move some hair from in front of her face so I can see her. She looks up at me and I smile softly at her. She gives me a weak smile and looks into my eyes.

Her eyes tell me everything her lips don't. I can see the anxiety and nervousness mixed with fear and uneasiness. She wasn't like this at home. I know she's scared starting a job today for the first time so I'm not to worried. I know she will loosen up over time.

"Sir. We're here." The driver says as he opens the door. Lucy looks up and I see her attitude change. She seems more ready and determined now. I smile and get out of the car.

"Thank you. Be back to pick us up about 5:30."

"Yes sir. Have a good day sir." The driver says as he closes the door behind Lucy. Lucy takes her spot by my side.

"I wish the same to you Capricorn." I turn and smile and then walk into the building with Lucy sticking to my side like glue. I walk up to the receptionist desk and she looks up at me and smiles then looks at Lucy and her smile fades.

"Good morning Mr. Dragneel. May I ask who this is?"

"This is Lucy. She is my personal assistant. She will always be by my side. I want you to treat her with respect. Understand? I will be going to my office and making a memo about her now." I inform her and see her frown but try to hide it. The receptionist like all the other girls in the building have a crush on me but I ignored them and they hated it so a woman being this close to me is bound to upset them.

"Yes sir. Understood."

"Thank you." I say and walk off to the elevator.
"Now Lucy, my office is on the very top floor. There is a secretary named Levy that will greet you as the elevator opens." I tell her as we get in the elevator "Don't worry about her she's nice unlike the receptionist. Levy is one of the few women here that doesn't have a thing for me. So if you get evil looks you can either brush them off as jealousy or tell me and I'll handle it."

She looks at me and nods. The elevator dings and the doors open.

"Good morning Mr. drag....neel....who's this??" Levy asks in total surprise and points at Lucy with her pen while tilting her head. I can't help but laugh at her reaction.

"Levy your face is priceless!" I chuckle causing her to scowl at me. I regain my composure quickly and inform her about Lucy. "This is Lucy. She is my personal assistant and is to be with me at all times. I expect you to give her respect which I know you will. Now I'm going into my office to write a quick memo about her." Levy nods in reply. "Oh and Levy. Order us some breakfast. We skipped it this morning on accident and go ahead and order lunch to be delivered later on. Ok?"

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Where stories live. Discover now