The billionaire

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Greetings to you dear Reader. My name is Natsu Dragneel and I am a multibillionaire that calls the city of magnolia home. I am 25 years old and the richest man in Fiore thanks to all the hard work, time and dedication I put in to it. My dad started the company when he was younger and left it to me in his will.

I worked long days and tiring hours to learn to run this business properly. I took this business from successful to powerful. I own just about anything and everything I want. I even own the city I live in. No I'm not the mayor but I do control him and everyone under him.

But with all this money and power comes problems. People don't care about me, only my money or what I can do for them. I gave up on love a long time ago thanks to a certain ex of mine. She made me think she loved me but she really just wanted my money and authority over people. She used my name to get whatever she wanted and all that did was piss me off.

I broke up with her and filed a restraining order. I haven't seen or heard from her since. Good riddance! She left me a emotional wreck. She made me believe I can't trust or love anyone as long as I am who I am.

So I started wearing a wig to cover up my hair which is pink and gives me away in a split second. And I wear normal street clothes. I go out after work and just walk the town and shop like a normal person. It brings me piece of mind.

I was walking through town when I saw and heard a beautiful young woman sitting down at a fountain. She was singing with no instruments and she sounded amazing. I'm hypnotized by her and walk right up to her. She looks at me in annoyance and gathers her stuff and walks away.

What just happened?

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Where stories live. Discover now