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Natsu's POV
I've been better since Lucy woke up but not 100% better. I still feel empty when I'm at home especially when I sleep at night. The bed feels so empty without her beside me. I've often woken up on her side of the bed hugging her pillows. It's been a month since the day we fought.

Since she's woken up I've gone back to work but Erza still assists me since Lucy isn't there. I'll admit my life has been one long and crazy roller coaster since I met Lucy. She's changed my life for the better and everything was perfect until that night. I don't think I can forgive Lisanna and Leo for what they did.

Speaking of them I wonder what happened to them.

"Levy." I speak through the intercom

"Yes sir?" She replies

"Just curious if you know what happened to Lisanna and Leo after the day you met them."

"No one knows sir. They cleared up the news incident and disappeared. No ones seen or heard from them since." Levy says.

"Thank you Levy."

"Wow. I wonder if they are ok." Erza says in awe

"I don't know and really I don't care after what they did. I was just curious because I don't want them interfering with my life ever again." I say angrily and Erza just nods in agreement. She feels the same way.

We informed the nurses and Lucy that we will be there to pick her up after work since I had A LOT to catch up on. They didn't mind at all so that's what we planned on.

I was counting down the minutes till 5pm until I realized, I'm the boss! I can leave whenever I want!

"Let's go Erza. I'm sick of waiting. I'll catch up tomorrow." I tell Erza and grab her wrist and pulled her out of my office. When I left the office I saw Levy and grabbed her wrist to. "Come on Levy we are leaving early to get Lucy! I can't wait anymore!" I shout and head to the elevator.

"Natsu you go. We will stay here and finish up." Erza says seriously.

"But Erza..."

"No buts! Go!" She yells and the elevator doors close right on cue.

I sigh as the elevator starts it's long journey down. It finally reaches the bottom floor and I head out to the limo and get in.

"Let's go get Lucy." I say to Capricorn

"Yes sir. Right away." He says and starts driving to the hospital

We make it there in record time and I rush in to get Lucy. I make it to her room and see her sitting in the bed waiting for me.

"Lucy." I walk up to her and hug her gently.

"Natsu your early." She says surprised

"I couldn't wait any longer to come get you and finally take you home." I tell her and she giggles.

She still has casts on her lower arms and legs but besides that she can move. We hired a temporary live in nurse to help her when I'm not home. She's also already got a wheelchair and sadly a hospital bed set up in our bedroom. She only needs them for 2 more weeks until the casts come off.

We sign all the paperwork and they get her into the wheelchair and we head downstairs to the limo.

Once we reach the limo we had some difficulties getting her in because of her casts but we succeeded in the end. We get home and had just as much difficulty getting her out. But once we did everything else was easy. The house was plenty big enough for her to roam around in the wheelchair anywhere she wants.

The Billionaire and the Beggar✔️(Nalu)  (Natsu x Lucy) Where stories live. Discover now