Chapter 8 - I Didn't Realize

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4 Years Later


"This is Richard,"

"Damn it," Zayn cursed, "Richard, you can't call every day. I refuse to let Charlie to talk to you ever again. He doesn't understand why you left. It has been four years since you last saw him,"

It was true. Even though Niall and Louis visited often, Richard never came. He was too busy with his new friends-and that broke Charlie's heart.

"Uncle Zayn, please," Richard begged over the line, "This is actually important. Please you don't understand,"

"No, Richard," And then Zayn hung up the phone, growling internally. Harry skipped over to him and hopped onto his lap, kissing his neck. "Guess who that was charming?" Zayn asked, kissing Harry's lips and then licking down his neck. Harry shivered and shrugged. "It was Richard again," Zayn groaned.

Harry giggled, "He missed our baby,"

"Yes," Zayn sighed, "He missed Charlie,"

Just then, Charlie walked into the room, his hair sticking out in all directions. He was now 14, and heading through his teen years quick. His body was bigger, stronger, yet still small compare to the other boys his age.

"Who was on the phone?" Charlie asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Zayn kissed Harry one final time and set him down, walking over to Charlie and pulling him in for a warm hug.

"It was no one,"

"No one?" Charlie whispered.

"No one,"

And then the doorbell rang, and Harry skipped off to answer it. Harry knew not to answer the door when he was alone, but with Zayn standing behind him he knew that it was safe. The door was opened then, and Zayn's eyes widened when he saw who stood there. It was Louis and Niall, smiles on their faces.

"We're home!" Louis yelled, walking in and grabbing Zayn for a hug. Immediately everyone began to hug and kiss, Harry l even crying because he was just so happy to see Louis and Niall again. Zayn on the other hand was happy, but confused at the same time. I mean, what were they doing back? It was such a random time for them to visit.

"God, Louis, you look great," Zayn smiled, pulling Louis in for another hug, "What are you doing back so soon?"

"Well," Louis said stepping back and wrapping his arm around Niall who was holding Charlie's hand, "We decided it was time for another move. Richard...well...he's been a handful. But perhaps, I can talk about that with you later, when we are alone?" His lips were pursed, like this was bad. And a strange feeling swarmed Zayn's stomach. He felt as though maybe Louis and Niall returning wasn't going to be as great as he had originally thought. "We are moving back into our old house,"

"Great," Zayn smiled, "Need any help?"


"So why did you really come back, Lou?" Zayn asked gently. He and Louis were sitting in a bar, knowing that their families were in good hands. Niall and Liam were watching over Charlie and Harry. It wasn't that terribly difficult anymore either, because with Charlie's aging, he calmed quite a bit.

Louis put his lips in a tight line and dropped his gaze to the bar top, "We are terrible parents, Zayn,"

"What? Louis, no, you and Niall are amazing parents," Zayn reassured, rubbing Louis back soothingly.

"Well then why the hell is Richard acting out?" Louis snapped, looking up into Zayn's eyes. Zayn opened his mouth to say something else, but Louis continued on, "He smokes, did you know? He stays out past curfew, he gets in trouble at school, he skips class, and the only reason we really had to move is that he got fucking expelled!"

Zayn was silenced. He didn't know that things had gotten so rough for them. It was strange to Zayn, that Richard called him every day to talk to Charlie. But that was so strange, because why would a bad boy like Richard want to keep in touch with a young autistic boy like Charlie?

"I was lost, and the only thing Niall and I could think to do was come back home, and hope that we could figure something out," Louis began to sob.

Zayn wrapped his arms around Louis and shushed him gently, "Things will work out, I'm sure. But...did you know that Richard called me everyday?"


"Yeah, he calls me every day, just to see if he can talk to Charlie," Zayn explained.

"Oh," Louis' face froze in surprise.

"Where is he, by the way? Why wasn't he with you when you guys came over?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know where he is, he is angry with us for moving him again," Louis sighed, "He said he would meet us at our new...well...our old house later tonight to talk. But I doubt he holds up his end of the deal,"


Charlie was sitting on the living room floor, Harry, Liam, and Niall all chatting and watching the Disney movie on TV. But Charlie wasn't really watching, and a sudden noise caught his attention from the back porch. Without any of his caretakers noticing, Charlie snuck towards the noise, noticing a hooded figure standing on the back porch, throwing small pebbles at the sliding glass door. Charlie giggled and grabbed the handle, pulling the door open and sneaking outside.

"Who are you?" Charlie giggled. Suddenly the shadowy figure flipped back his hood, showing the boys face. His dark brown hair cut short, his leather jacket grabbing his arms perfectly, and his entire body smelling slightly of smoke. "You look like Richard," Charlie smiled, reaching out and grabbing his hair playfully. A beautiful smile spread across Richard's face and he ran the back of his hands lovingly across Charlie's soft face.

"I am Richard," The boy smiled.

"What?" Charlie exclaimed, bouncing up and down happily.

"Yes, Charlie," He chuckled, "I'm back for good now,"

"Yes!" Charlie exclaimed, reaching forward timidly about to pull the older boy in for a hug. And then, Richard pulled Charlie in for a tight hug, letting the blonde cuddle into his chest. Richard was strong and muscular, and Charlie felt safe in his arms, much like he did when his daddies held him close. "You old,"

Richard chuckled, "I'm only 16, Charlie. You are only two years younger than me,"

"Oh yeah," Charlie smiled.

"Want to go for a ride in my car?" Richard asked, leading Charlie off the back porch. Charlie smile, big and happy, grabbing Richard's hand walking with him.

"Will my daddies be mad?" Charlie asked as Richard put him in the car that he parked far enough down the street so Liam and the others wouldn't hear.

Richard only smirked and buckled Charlie in.

Maybe Richard was bad around everyone else, but when it came to Charlie, Richard would so anything to keep the beautiful autistic boy safe.

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