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(A/N okay, so everyone is mad at me because I ended the story so abruptly and I wanted to say sorry about that. People are asking what happens to the rest of the characters, so I decided to tell you *I will not be talking about everyone! Just the characters that were somewhat important to the plot* )


{Elizabeth & Cameron}

Liz and Cam are married and have two kids, one boy and one girl. They named them Austin and Melissa. Liz starts her own vet clinic and Cam falls into the acting business. They live happily ever after with their wonderful, perfect lives...

{Avery & Carter}

Avery and Carter did not stay together. Turns out it was just another teenage romance. They didn't fight or anything, they just thought it would be for the best. Right now Avery is dating a guy named Alex, they fight over the stupidest things, and she's afraid they won't be together much longer. Carter has been trying to find a stable relationship, but every time he tries, he ends up thinking about Avery. She's tried not to think about him, but every time she thinks about Alaska he pops into her head...

{Jordi & Nash}

Jordi and Nash had different dreams. She wanted to travel around the United States, where as he wanted to to become and actor, like Cam. Jordi became part of a band, playing the guitar, doing what makes her happy. Nash moved to LA and his dream came true. But before they left each other, they decided that if they ever cross paths, then it's obviously meant to be...


Shawn didn't kiss the girl back. He would never do anything to hurt Alaska, he loved her. Yes, they may have not be together now if she was still here, but their love was so strong it might have made it. Shawn moved to Houston, the town where Alaska had been buried. He became quite famous, playing his music. He goes on a lot of tours, but after every one, he goes to the cemetery and sings at Alaska's grave, hoping she forgives him...


She does.

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