Chapter Seven

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**Alaska's POV**

I get to the room and see the girls have all fallen asleep. I go into my "room" and dig through my suit case for my pajamas. I put on a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. I walk into the kitchen to get a water bottle when there is a knock on the door. I go and answer it, completely unaware of what I was wearing.

I stand on my tippy toes and peer through the peep hole. My eyes land on a crowd of people. Why did they come here? Obviously I didn't show how upset I was very well. I run into my room and put on a sweat shirt, then run back to the door, opening it.

"Yes?" I ask, kind of rudely.

"Um... we all just came to say sorry for listening when you were completely unaware of it. We should have asked of it was okay..." The boy with the blue eyes says, Nash I think, trailing off at the end.

"It's fine, I overreacted. I just, you know, don't have a lot of confidence..." I say quietly, hopefully they didn't hear the last part.

"I hope you know you're amazing." Shawn says, the others nodding in agreement.

"Thanks. Well, I better get to bed. See you guys in the morning.." I say beginning to close the door.

"Wait!" Someone yells.

I stop and open the door again, waiting for whatever it was they had to do or say.

"Here's your guitar." Cameron, I think, passes it to me.

"Thanks." I say and close the door.

I lean against the door for a good 20 minutes, just sitting there, thinking. I put my hands on my head and look into space. But then I hear footsteps.

"Alaska?" Someone whispers, I couldn't make it out.

She walks closer and then I see her. Jordi. What is she doing up?

"What are you doing up? I thought you were asleep." I say, quickly wiping the few tears I let escape.

"I woke up and decided to make sure you made it ba-" she stops herself, "what's wrong?" She asks concerned, sitting next to me.

I explain what happened and we talk about it for a couple minutes until I look at phone, only to see it was 2:38am.

"We should go to bed now. We have to be down at the stage by 8:30, but I'd like to go down early and practice some more." I explain to Jordi, standing up and helping her onto her feet.

"Okay doll. I'm always here to talk, you know that right?" She asks, and I nod my head hugging her.


I wake up to my phone playing Problem by Ariana Grande. I turn it off, 7:15 is way to early. I groggily get up and walk to my suit case, picking my outfit for the day. I decide on black skinny jeans and a loose pink crop top.

I walk into the bathroom and take a shower. After I get out, I dry myself off and wrap my hair in my towel. I get dressed and start on my everyday makeup, which consists of a little bit of foundation, eye liner, and mascara. Light, but noticeable. For my hair I just put it a braid going down my back.

I walk out of the bathroom and go make sure the girls are awake. Elizabeth and Avery are, but Jordi is still sound asleep. I walk into her room and wake her up.

"You know, it's nice seeing you without your sweatshirts on all the time." She smiles.

"Fuck! I didn't even realize..." I say, getting up and go into my room, changing into a sweater.

*30 minutes later*

"Jordi! If you don't hurry your ass up I'm leaving you here and you won't be able to see me practice." I say, walking into her room, I have no clue what she's doing.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." She says, getting off her bed.

I tell the other two girls that Jordi and I are going down to the stage and for them to come down whenever they are ready.

I sit on the empty stage and strum my guitar. Then I have an idea.

"Hey Jordi, wanna do a duet with me?" I ask her smiling.

"Of course! What song?" She asks, walking over to me with a stool in her hands.

"Well, you know how to play the guitar too, right?" I ask her and she nods her head, "do you know how to play The A Team by Ed Sheeran?" I ask her, she nods her head again and smiles, taking the guitar out of my hands and into her own.

We practice for about 20 minutes before we get it how we like it and go through it once more. It's perfect.

Everyone else starts coming in right as we start picking up the stools and moving them backstage, where they were.

After sound check, we are taken to a room with several tables set up and meet the VIP fans. I probably took about a thousand pictures.

Finally, we are taken back to the stage and begin our little show. I have Jordi wait backstage with the girls while we do Q&A and some of the other acts go on. When it's my turn to go I wave Jordi over and hold a microphone, then adjust the one on the stand for Jordi.

"Hi guys, this is my friend, Jordi, and we are going to be performing The A Team by Ed Sheeran. I hope you all like it." I say to the crowd.

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