Chapter Nine

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**Alaska's POV**

It's been a week since the first day of Magcon, and I've gotten more and more followers as each day passes by, but with all of that, I still get a load of hate. Today is the first day of our "vacation" so I'm excited I finally get to rest.

I lay in bed, trying to decide if I should go back to sleep, it is only 8:15. After about three minutes of weighing my options, I decide to fall back asleep.

I'm jolted up by a loud bang in the living room of our hotel suite which is followed by an eruption of laughter. I look at the clock, 1:27. Wow. I guess I was really tired. I quietly walk out of my room and tip toe into the bathroom. When I close the door and lock it, flicking on the lights, I turn to the mirror.

My hair is all over the place and the makeup I forgot to take off last night is slightly smeared. I quickly remove the makeup, brush my hair, and my teeth. Then I decide it's time to face everyone.

I walk into the living room and all eyes go to me. I start to feel awkward and insecure so I step towards the couch and sit next to Elizabeth.

"Good morning sleepy head." Avery smiles at me.

"Umm, it's like 1:40 in the afternoon..." Aaron says.

"I could have still been asleep if you guys weren't being so loud..." I look down, still feeling all the eyes on me.

"How can you sleep so late in the day?" Taylor asks me.

"I don't know, I just do." That's not true, but I doubt any of them will understand, so I chose to keep the truth to myself.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask no one in particular, just trying to break the god awful silence.

"We were just planning on hanging out around the hotel and relaxing." Shawn answers, smiling at me.

"Okay, so what were you all doing while I was sleeping?" I ask, curiously wanting to find out what that bang that woke me up was.

"We were playing truth or dare, wanna play?" Matt asks me, I was about to say no and that I'll just watch, but somehow I found myself nodding in agreement.

"Okay... So, Alexi-" I stop Matt mid sentence.

"You guys can call me Alaska." I say, reassuringly.

"Oh, well okay. So Alaska, truth or dare?" Matt continues on with his sentence.

"Um... truth?" I answer more like a question, I earned a few groans for being a chicken and not picking dare, but I'm honestly afraid of what they'll make me do.

"Okay... why are you called Alaska?" Matt asks, I suppose he really wants to know.

"I moved from Alaska to Texas when I was 13." I say, everyone's reactions were priceless, they kept asking me what it was like and me being the girl who gets annoyed too easily, shushed them.

"Okay, um... Avery! Truth or dare?" I ask her with a smirk on my face.

"Uh, dare." She answers confidently, smiling, she'll regret that.

"I dare you to kiss Carter... on the lips." Her smile immediately falls from her face and her cheeks burn a deep red.

Carter makes the first move and leans into her a little bit, she closes the gap and they hold the kiss for a long 15 seconds before I "cough" and snap them back into reality.

The game continues and before we know it, it's 3:45 and we all decide to watch a few movies.

I go into my room and grab a pair of sweat pants and a tank top and go into the bathroom to shower and get changed. I'd like to not look like a zombie all day...

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