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**Shawn's POV**

Say something I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you...

I sing, sitting on the grass. This was her favorite cover of mine.

It's all my fault! I couldn't stop her from leaving!! She's gone and I'm to blame.

Tears fill my eyes as I continue to play the song, reading her stone.

Here lies Alexis May 1998-2014 R.I.P

After I finish that song, I start another. It was our song. I hum the part she would sing, hoping she's listening. I doubt she is though, I wouldn't listen either...

**Alaska's POV**

I sit in front of him. Not that he can see me though...

I smile as he plays my favorite song.

Say something I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you...

After he finishes it, he wipes his few stray tears and starts to strum a different song. I already know what it is.

I decide to sing along, even though he won't be able to tell.

The day we met,

Frozen I held my breath

Right from the start

I knew that I'd found a home for my heart...

He sings and I feel so bad. He really did care about me...

I'm not sure why I'm here, he broke my heart. But then again, I didn't let him explain.

I had been hit by the truck that had honked at me. Died on impact. There was nothing they could do, I was long gone by the time the ambulance arrived, DOA.

For some odd reason, I kind of like being dead. Always being free, no more pain, no more fighting myself not to give up. There's no need to give up anymore.

Shawn stands up. He's leaving already?

"Goodbye, Alaska. I love you." He says, placing the bunch of roses in front of my stone.

"Love you more..." I say, going back up to be surrounded by clouds.


It's over!!

I hope you liked reading it! Comment and let me know what you think:)

Just wanted to thank you one last time for reading this story, it means a lot!

I love you all~Alaska<3

[There is another chapter after this so please keep reading]

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