Chapter Twelve

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**Jordi's POV**

We get back to the hotel from the beach when Nash pulls me back towards him.

"Hey, I was thinking we should have a small party for the fam before we go to our next stop." He explains to me.

"Oh. My. God. Yes!" I smile, jumping up and down.

"Okay, you and I will go to the store while everyone is changing and stuff." He says, and I nod.

"Okay, I'll go tell the girls so they won't be looking for us." I say, walking up to my room and yelling to the girls.


"USE PROTECTION!!! I hear one of the girls yell back, causing me to laugh.

I walk back to Nash and we start walking to the store.

"So what kind of stuff are we getting?" I ask Nash, taking his hand in mine.

"Uh, snacks, pizza, and drinks." He replies.

"Wait, what kind of drinks?" I ask him.

He just smiles at me and we keep walking. Oh.

"How are we going to get them?" I ask again, looking up.

"Just trust me." He smiles down at me, and I don't question him anymore.

After we get everything, we walk back to the hotel.

"I'm going to shower and change." I tell him, and he nods.

"I'll have all the guys come over here in like 15 minutes, okay?" He says to me.

"Sounds good." I smile, taking everything into the room.

I go get ready, I shower and then put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, then go back into the bathroom to do my makeup.

As I walk out of the bathroom, I realize I still have a few minutes before everyone comes over, so I go into the kitchen and take everything out of bags.

"What are the plans for tonight?" I look up and see Alaska.

"Nash and I are throwing like a little mini party for the fam." I explain.

"Uh, no." She responds.


"I think I'm going to bed early..." She fake yawns.

"Bish whaa? No, you are going to have fun tonight." I tell her and she sighs.

"Okay, then imma go change." She says, walking into her room.

There's a knock on the door and I open in. Everyone comes into the room, along with some random girls I've never seen before.

After the girls come out of their rooms and join us, I plug Alaska's phone into her iHome and start blasting the music.

After a while, we are all like half drunk and I even got Avery to drink, so to make things interesting, we decide to play a game.

Truth or dare, except if you pick truth or chicken out of a dare you have to do a shot. This'll be fun...

*A few hours later*

It's about 3 in the morning and we are all completely drunk, over half of the people here fell asleep, so there are only a few of us still awake: Nash, Alaska, Shawn, Cam, and I.

Alaska and Shawn are talking about something in the corner of the living room and they are laughing their asses off. I'm so happy to see her like that.

She gets up and walks, or stumbles, over to me. She grabs a bottle of vodka out of my hand and walks back to Shawn. They take turns gulping down the rest f the bottle, she's going to feel that in the morning.

**Alaska's POV**

I wake up, wearing yoga shorts and a tank top in my bed. I move my arm and hit something or more like someone. 'I hope it's Shawn", I think to myself, smiling.

Wait... what?

I lean over to look at the clock on the bedside table, and instantly regret it due to the pounding in my head. Why the hell did I let Jordi have her stupid party?

Looking at the clock, I see it's 4:26 in the afternoon, great...

I get a weird feeling in my stomach and I immediately run to the bathroom, ignoring all my pain.

After a minute, I feel some pull my hair out of my face, I turn around and look up, a very tired looking Shawn stand behind me.

I sit there for a minute and Shawn releases my hair, walking out of the bathroom. Okay..? I just lay on the ground, trying to the the pounding in my head to go away.

A minute later he comes back with a bottle of water and a few pills. Without question, I pop the pills in my mouth and swallow them with the cold water.

I hear voices coming from the living room and I slowly get up and walk towards them.

I lay on my side in the soft carpet on the living room floor, curled up in a ball, trying to forget the pain I feel in my chest and stomach, and close my eyes due to the light in the room, fuck it's bright.

After a few minutes I decide to open my eyes.

Everyone is acting normal... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

"Shhh... why is everyone yelling?" I ask, regretting it as I feel the pounding in my head come back. "Why am I yelling?" I whisper, but it still hurts.

They all laugh, making me clench my hands around my head tighter.

It's going to be a long day...


This chapter is dedicated to Sir Jeffers(you know who you are), I hope this reaches your party expectations... :)

Thank you for reading and I'll update soon, I promise. Thank you for being patient with me. ~Alaska<3

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