Marena & Louis - A Night In

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        "Alright, thanks, Simon." Louis said as he hung up his phone, dropping himself onto the bed next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

        "Hm," I smiled, enjoying the feel of his touch on my skin. "I don't know. What sounds good?"

        "Well, I'm home for a while so I want to spend as much of my time as I can with you by myself. So date night doesn't sound good because that involves other people." He brought his body closer to mine. I turned around so him and I were face to face.

        "Then how about a night in?" I ran my fingers through his hair, messing his bedhead up even more. "We can stay in bed and watch Netflix all night." I smiled.

        "Ugh, that sounds perfect." He leaned in, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "Why do you always come up with the better ideas?"

        "That's a lie. You always come up with the most romantic things."

        "Some credit goes to the boys," He chuckled.

        "Stop being so modest." I smiled and kissed him, tangling my fingers in his hair.

        Around seven in the evening, after we had finished running errands and dealing with managers and interviewers and photoshoots, Louis and I were in our pajamas and settled in bed with Netflix on the tv. "What do you want to watch?" He asked. "Comedy, chick flick, horror, cartoon..?"

        "Let's watch comedy, we don't want you getting scared."

        "Oh, please." I don't get scared." He smirked as he looked over at me.

        "Mhm, whatever helps you sleep at night,"

        "Go away," He chuckled. He scrolled through all the movies in the comedy category and stopped on The Sitter. He started the movie and pulled me into his side, placing a kiss to the top of my head.

        After three movies, I was beginning to fall asleep with my head on Louis' chest. "Lou?" I asked as a thought popped into my head.

        "Yes, baby girl?" He rubbed his hand up and down my arm.

        "When do you go back on tour?"

        "Not for a few months, babe. So you're stuck with me for a while."

        "Good, it's lonely when you're on tour."

        "You know you can come with right?" I sat up and looked up at him.

        "I can?"

        "Yeah," He brushed strands of hair out of my face. "Simon has offered before but you had school and work and I knew you'd be too busy, and youre schooling is much more important than you dropping everything to go on tour with me and the lads."

        "You considered all that before asking me?"

        "Of course. I know you probably want to be able to support yourself and not count on me for the money and everything. And I wanted you to have something to fall back on in case we don't work out." His voice trailed off at the end as a sad look took over his features.

        "Trust me, babe. We'll work out. I'm in too far and too deep for this not to. But thank you for thinking about me before you just straight out asked for me to come along. It means a lot." I smiled and kissed him on the lips before pulling the blankets over him and I as I cuddled back into his side, laying my head back onto his chest.

        "You're welcome, now get some sleep, love. I can tell you're tired. I'll make you a wonderful breakfast in bed in the morning." He smiled and shut off the television, wrapping his arms around my waist as we slowly fell asleep.


Okay, not my best work, I know. and I'm sorry, but if you want another, just tell me and I promise I'll do A LOT better when I get to it.

In other news, I am starting a 5SOS series  but I'm not sure which I want to do first, so if you lovely readers could please comment who you would like to read a fanfic of out of Calum, Luke, Michael, and Ashton, that would be great and a HUMONGOUS help. and that doesn't look like its spelled right, but I'm simply not worried about that rn. Correct it in your brains please. thank you.

Wonderful picture of Louis on the side. c: He's so handsome.

Love you guys xx


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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