Aleena & Louis - A Christmas Promise

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    "Aleena! Wake up!" My boyfriend, Louis, yelled as he jumped up and down on the bed that I lay on, comfortable underneath the blanket. I buried my face in the pillow.

    "Louis, go back to sleep." My voice muffled by the white fabric of the pillowcase.

    "No. Aleena, wake up!" I grabbed the hyper boy's foot as he jumped, causing him to fall flat on the bed. After a minute, Louis' voice came from right beside my ear. "Are you awake yet?"

    I rolled over and looked at the shirtless boy, his blue-green eyes shining. "Now I am."

    "Good." He placed a soft quick kiss on my lips. "Now get your nice arse out of bed." He began to climb out of the bed. I looked at the clock on the nightstand next to my side of the bed before looking back at my boyfriend as I sat up.

    "Lou, it's seven thirty in the morning. Why do I have to be up now?" His eyes grew wide, full of shock, as he jumped back on to the bed, hovering over me.

    "Are you sick?"

    "Um.. No. Why?"

    "Aleena," A child-like grin grew on his face. "It's Christmas!"

    "Already?" I asked, shocked. He nodded. "Wow." I've been so busy getting gifts for Louis' birthday that was yesterday and, on the other hand, getting gifts for today that I didn't realize how quickly the holiday was creeping up on us. I threw my brown hair into a sloppy ponytail as I climbed out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then followed Louis out to the living room.

    The tall Christmas tree, decorated from top to bottom, stood in the corner by the large window. The lights wrapped around it twinkled. Underneath the tree, presents of all sizes stood, wrapping paper of all sorts wrapped around each and every one of them.

    Louis raced over and sat on the floor next to the tree. He grinned up at me before patting the spot on the floor between his legs. I sat in front of him as we sorted through all the gifts.

    After I had opened what I thought was the last gift with my name on it, Louis handed me a small box wrapped in shiny purple wrapping paper. Louis' eyes watched me intently as I tore off the pretty paper to reveal a velvet black box. I slowly opened the small box to find a beautiful ring. I gasped and looked at Lou, who had a smile on his face. "Louis, what-what is this?"

    "It's a promise ring. It's my promise to you that I'll love you forever, no matter what." I smiled as tears of joy pricked at my eyes. I looked at the ring again, finally seeing the engraving.

Forever In My Heart

   My tears finally fell over as I, again, looked back up at the boy. He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my finger. It was a perfect fit. He placed a soft passionate kiss on my lips. "I love you, Aleena."

    "I love you, too." I grinned. "Merry Christmas." A thought popped into my head. "Oh! Stay here." I jumped up and raced to the kitchen, grabbing a small white box out of the fridge. I walked back into the living room and sat in front of Lou, handing him the plain white box. He opened it up, pulling out the large chocolate cupcake with red frosting on the top, 'Happy Birthday' written in white icing. He grinned as he looked from the treat to me. "I would've given it to you last night but we kind of got.. sidetracked." I blushed.

     "You are amazing." He chuckled.

    "I know!" I took some of the red frosting and wiped it on his nose starting a full on frosting war.

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