Chris & Louis/Liam - Who To Choose

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    Harry had invited the boys and I over for dinner and movies. We had eaten the zesty chicken pasta dinner that the Cheshire boy had created and now we were all in the living room watching That's My Boy. I was sitting on the couch between Liam and Louis. the two guys that liked me and the two guys I liked. Liam held my hand while Louis' hand rested on my knee. Every few minutes, one would look over at the other with a glare on his face. Let me tell ya, if looks could kill.. They'd both be dead a bajillion times over.

    Haz stood up. "I'm going to make some tea. Anyone else want some?" The other boys all raised their hands. "Alright." He began to walk towards the kitchen when I jumped up, crawling over the back of the couch to get to him.

    "Wait, I'll help you." I followed the curly-haired boy into the kitchen, heaving a sigh of relief.

    "Pretty rough in there, yeah?" He asked, filling the kettle with water and sitting it on the burner on the stove.

    "You have no idea." I said as I grabbed tea bags out of the cupboard and sat them on the counter. I sighed. "It's so hard to choose between the two of them. I've got sweet and sensitive Liam, but I've also got outgoing and witty Louis. It's just so... Hard." Harry put his hands on my shoulders in a sympathetic gesture.

    "Follow your heart, Chris. It'll lead you to the right boy." I smiled.

    A crash came from the living room, yelling soon following. "You idiot!" Louis' voice shouted.

    "Shut up, you bloke! You're just jealous!" Liam's voice yelled back.

    Harry and I looked at each other before walking into the living room to find a lamp shattered on the floor and Liam and Louis shouting at each other, inches apart. Niall had his head in his hands while Zayn had a couch pillow over his face, his head resting against the back of the chair. "What the hell? That was a perfectly good lamp, guys!" Harry said, bending down to pick up the glass.

    "Jealous of what? You? That's impossible!" Louis shouted at the boy.

    "No, no. I'll pick it up myself. Thanks for the offer lads." Harry mumbled to himself.

    "Why the bloody hell would I be jealous of you? Chris obviously likes me more! Get over yourself, Liam!"

    Liam took a large step forward. "You-"

    "Guys! Stop!" I cut them off, stepping inbetween them. I ran my hands through my short dark blonde hair. Both boys' eyes landed on me. "You both are being so immature!"


    "Louis, just shut up for a damn minute." I sighed. "I'm going to end this once and for all."

    "What do you mean?" Niall asked, his chin in his hands and his elbows on his knees.

    "He's choosing between the two of them." Harry said, as he dumped the glass in the trash and sat on the arm of the light blue couch.

     I closed my hazel eyes and took a deep breath. I opened them and walked over to Louis, his blue-green eyes lighting up. I took his hands in mine and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry, Lou."

    "I- Wait, what?" Louis' face dropped as I let go of his hands and walked over to Liam. Looking into his brown eyes with my hazel ones, I kissed the beautiful boy with the buzzed-cut hair. I wrapped my slightly tanned arms around his neck as his hands rested on my waist. His tongue traced my bottom lip, asking for entry that I proudly granted.

    "Okay, you two!" Zayn called. "Keep it 'G' until you two are alone." I pulled away, slightly embarrassed.

    Liam chuckled and sat on the couch, pulling me into his lip, wrapping his muscular arms around me. Louis looked at us, holding his hand out to Liam. "You're lucky to have him, Li. Take good care of him, please?"

    "Thanks, Lou. And don't worry. I will." Liam replied, shaking the older boy's hand. Louis sat on the couch next to us as Liam placed a soft kiss on my neck. "I love you."

    "I love you, too." I smiled and bit my bottom lip.

    "Thanks for the help with the lamp, by the way." Harry said, sitting in the chair.

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