Sydney & Louis - Savin' Me

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    "Where are you?" I asked Louis over the phone.

    "Sorry, I'm running late, love. Harry took my pants that I wanted to wear. Zayn took my hoodie, and Niall took was being the 'Swagger Jacker from Mulling' with my sunglasses."

    I laughed. "That sounds like the boys."

    "Always. Did you choose a movie?"

   "Yeah, Warm Bodies."

   "That does look like a good movie from the previews."

   "Right?" I smiled, glad he agreed.

   "Alright, I'll see you soon, love."

   "Okay, I love you."

   "I love you, too." He said. I smiled. I loved hearing those three words come out of his mouth, knowing they were meant for me and me only. Before Lou hung up, I could hear him yelling at Harry. "Haz, give me my pants back! I've got a date and red is not your color!" I laughed and ended the call all the way.

     I looked back up at the movie poster. "Hey, baby!" I heard a male voice say from behind me.I turned to see two guys staring at me, obviously the ones that shouted at me. One winked while the other just laughed at his friends creepiness. I cringed and turned my attention back to the movie poster. "Come on! Don't be that way, girl!" I ignored them and sat on the bench farthest away from them as my phone vibrated with a text from Louis.

From: LouLou

On my way. I'll see you soon. x

To: LouLou

Okay, please hurry though. x

    I sent the text just as I felt someone sit down next to me. I looked up to see one of the creeps. "Why you all alone, hot stuff?"

    "I'm waiting for my boyfriend." I said, letting my irritation for the guy in general seep into the sentence.

    "Drop the zero and get with the hero." He winked at me again.

    "Going for the oldest one in the book, are we, Captain Cant-Get-A-Girl?" I snapped.

   "Only if it helps me get your cute lil body." He smirked and licked his lips. I gave him a look of disgust.

    "Sydney?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up from the white TOMS and the red pants to the black hoodie and RayBan sunglasses. The beautiful image of my amazing boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson.

    "There a problem here, man?" The creepy guy stood up and walked towards Lou.

    "You're my problem." Lou said to him. "Come on, Syd."

    "Oh thank God." I jumped up and took the hand that he held out to me. We began to walk towards the entrance to the theater lobby.

    "Oh well!" I heard the creep shout towards us. "I can always find someone hotter. That girl was just ugly." I felt Lou stop walking. I looked at him to see the anger in his features, he began to turn around.

    "Louis, no!" I jumped in front of him. "You find me beautiful, thats all that matters. Now lets get inside before the movie starts." I pulled him into the lobby where we purchased our tickets for the movie.

     We got our popcorn, candy, and drinks before heading towards the theater where the movie was playing.

     I stopped Louis before walking into the darkened room. I kissed him on the lips. "Thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend. I love you, Louis Tomlinson."

     He smiled. "I love you, too, Sydney James." He pecked me on the lips before we walked into the theater and settled into our seats.

    As the movie began, Louis slid his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his.

    For what could be the millionth time since I started dating this boy, I realized just how much in love I was with Louis William Tomlinson.

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