Sabrina & Niall - Meeting The Family

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    "What if they hate me?" My boyfriend asked from the passenger seat of my car as I drove us closer and closer to my parent's house.

    "Niall, calm down. They'll love you." I took his hand. "I promise." I smiled at him.

    I parked in front of the house and we got out. I could see the nervousness in his features. I grabbed his hand again and we walked through the front door. "Shane! Mom! Dad!" I hollered through the house.

    "Sabrina!" My mom shouted as she tackled me into a bear hug. She pulled away and looked at the Irish blond boy next to me. "And you must be Niall." She smiled at him. "We've heard so much about you." She pulled him in for a hug, catching him off guard. She pulled away as my dad, Steve, came around the corner.

    "Hi, daddy." I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

    "Hey, baby girl." He smiled at me before turning to Niall. "Niall, is it?"

    "Yes, sir." Niall held his hand out and my dad shook it.

    "It's nice to meet you, son." My  dad smiled. "Shane, get in here!"

    My younger brother came around the corner. "Hey, Shaney." I smiled.

    "Hey, Sabby." He said giving me a hug. He may be my younger brother, but dang was he tall. Shane pulled away and looked at Niall. "Who is he?"

    I took Niall's hand, hearing my mom give a slight squeal. "Shane, this is my boyfriend, Niall. Niall, this is my little brother, Shane."

    Niall held his hand out to Shane just like he did to my dad. "It's nice to meet you."

    Shane shook his hand. "Come on, you can help me set the table. I wanna talk to you anyway." Niall and my brother walked into the dining room, Niall sending me a terrified look on the way. I laughed.

    My dad sat on the couch. "Alright, gals. I'm going to watch the game now." He turned on the tv, cheering filled the room as someone scored in the game. My mom and  I walked into the kitchen.

    "So, Nialls a cutie." She smiled at me as I leaned against the counter and she mixed something in a bowl.

    "He is, isn't he?"

    "Yes, and he's very polite which is always a plus. How does he treat you?" She asked.

    "Like I'm the world."

    "Awwh!" She gushed, setting the bowl aside and adding spices to something. I laughed.

    "He loves you, Sabrina. You can see it in the way that he looks at you." She gave me a serious look. "Do you love him?"

    I thought for a minute. I thought about Niall and I, how I felt about him, and how I felt about us. I smiled then, sure of my answer. "I do."

    She smiled. "Have you two said it yet?"

    "Not yet."

    "Well that's okay," She patted my shoulder. "He will soon, I promise."

    I heard Niall laughing as he and Shane walked into the kitchen. Shane went straight for a bowl and took a cookie out of it. My mum slapped his hand as Niall walked up to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. He looked at my mum. "You have a lovely home, Mrs. Taylor. And all the food smells wonderful."

    She smiled. "Why, thank you, Niall. Shane, go tell your father that dinners done."

    I picked up a plate of food and almost dropped. "Here, let me get that, babe."

    "Thanks, Nialler." I handed him the plate and took a couple bowls.

    "Nialler? That's cute!" My mom smiled. Niall blushed as I laughed.

    We carried the food into the dining room, spreading it out among the five plates set neatly on the table as everyone took their seats.


    Niall and I walked into his flat. "See? That wasn't so bad." I said as I took off my jacket, draping it over a chair.

    "It really wasn't. Your family is really nice. And your mum's cooking, mmm! Now I see where you get it from!" I laughed. I began to walk towards the couch when Niall grabbed my waist, spinning me around to face him. He smiled at me and kissed me, I kissed back. He pulled away. "Sabrina,"

    "Yeah, Niall?"

    "I love you." He smiled. My heart beat sped up in my chest, butterflies in my stomach. I grinned at the Irish boy with the bright blond hair and shining ocean blue eyes. I kissed him hard and passionate on the lips before pulling away.

    "I love you, too, Niall."

    He smiled and embraced me in one of his famous, loving hugs.

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