Jayde & Niall - Overwhelmed

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        "Hop on my back. I don't want you tripping over everything again." Niall said as he finished his slice of pizza, crouching down in front of me in the long hallway backstage.

        I hopped on his back, letting him give me a piggyback ride as he made his way through the busy people running around backstage to make sure the boy's show went perfect tonight. "Where we going now?" I asked, admiring the way he concentrated to make sure he didn't bump anyone.

        "I have to go get changed for the show."

        "Should I go out to the crowd?" I asked, slightly disappointed by the thought.

        "What, no. You're with me so you get to stay backstage," He looked over at me and grinned. "All access, baby!" I laughed. He began to run, making me bounce on his back. He set me down once he reached the dressing room and opened the door, stepping out of the way and motioning for me to go first.

        I walked in and took a seat on the leather couch as niall walked over to the rack of clothes for him and the other boys. He began ti strip out of his clothes as I tried to hide my burning cheeks.

        The truth his, I loved Niall. A lot more than a friend should love another friend. The sad part, however, is that he considered me his little sister, someone he should protect and look out for. No where near girlfriend material for him. And it killed me. Horribly. These feelings were never going away.

        "You okay, babe?" Really, Ni, I thought, thats the word choice you use now. I looked up to see him watching me, standing there in just plain black boxers and his sunglasses that hid those bright blues that could kill a girl in an instant.

        "Yeah," I shook my head, using my brown hair to cover the blush on my face and, no doubt, the sadness taking over my brown eyes behind my glasses. "I'm actually just gonna go get some air." I stood up. "It's kinda crowded in here, don't you think?" Without waiting for an answer, I walked over to the door and walked out, quickly making my way down the hall until I was in an unused empty hallway.

        I sat down on an old, dusty stage speaker that seems to have been there for a while, letting out a long sigh. I wiped at my eyes, wiping away tears I didn't realize had begun to fall. I sniffled as I felt someone sit next to me. "Hey," I looked up to see Louis sitting there staring down at me, worry etching his model-like features as he saw me crying. "Woah, woah. What's wrong, love?"

        I sighed. "Nothing, I'm fine."


        "Okay, " I looked down. "I'm in love with my best friend, but to him, I;m nothing but the little sister type. I can do it anymore, I can't be just his friend. It's killing me."

        "Have you talked to him?" Lou asked me.

        "No, he'd just looked at me like I'm some disgusting spider or I'd ruin the friendship. And, to be honest, I couldn't handle either."

        "Well, I'd talk to him. He's coming this way anyway." I looked up to see Niall walked down the hallway towards Lou and I. Lou looked at me. "I'll give you guys some alone time." He stood up and walked back the way Niall came.

        "Hey, are you alright?" Niall asked as he reached me. I looked up at him, taking off my glasses to wipe my eyes. "Why are you crying?" He put his hand on my arm, but I shook it off. "What's wrong?"

        I took a deep breath and looked down. "I don't think we should be friends anymore." I said quietly, but when I looked up, from the expression on his face, I could tell Niall heard what I'd said.

        "What?" He asked, shock clear in his voice and every inch of his face. "Did I do something wrong? I'll do anything to fix it, just tell me."

         "Its not you, It's me. I just have a lot on my mind."

        "Talk to me."




        "I'm not-"




        "Damn it, Jayde." I opened my mouth. "No, don't cut me off. I don't know what I did, or what's going on, but you owe me an explanation if you're just gonna drop me as you're best friend. Was it the boys? Did they do something? I'll talk to them and make them fix it or I'll fix it myself. Just talk to me and tell me whats wrong because I'm not gonna let you give up on this friendship so easily. It's no-"

        "I love you, okay!" I cut him off. I'd had enough of his rambling. "I love you more than any friend should love another, and it's become too much for me to handle being to same room as you without the feelings becoming overwhelming and I know you'd never love me back the way that I love you, so I'm giving up because I've probably just ruined this friendship anyway." I took a deep breath. "I love you, Niall. So, goodbye." I walked past a, once again, shocked Niall and made my way down the hall as the tears once again took me over. They were worse this time though.

        I made it to the end of the hall as someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. I was turned to face Niall. "Why didn't you say something before?"

        "Because you'd never think of me that way. I'm like a little sister  to you, I know it."

        "You're a best friend. I wouldn't kiss my sister."

        "You've never kissed me before so I don't know-"

        I was cut off by Niall's lips pressing to mine in a soft and loving kiss. I began to kiss back, my tears changing to tears of joy as they ran down my cheeks. He pulled away too soon and smiled at me. "I think you've hit your head too many times from falling." He chuckled.

        "Shut up," I smiled. He grabbed my hand and we walked down the hallway back to the bustling people.  "Don't you have a show to do?"

        My question was answered by four British boys as they picked up their band member and best friend and carried him out onto the stage,


I know, it's extremely late and I'm sorry. and it might be a little crappy but I did my best to make it fit to you. Anyway, thank you for messaging me what I needed in order to make for lost time. c: I plan on making up all the old imagines I never got to before posting any for new requests.

If I have not completed yours, please inbox me with a completed request form.Do NOT lie and say that I havent just to get an imagine done. It is rude to other people who have been waiting forever.

& If you could, no pressure, please check out my other stories. I'm working hard to get them updated and make them better, so like most of them are being rewritten, but if you could go take a look, that would mean the world to me my cookies. c:

But Jayde, here you go. I hope you like it. If not, I'll try to do another soon. c:

Enjoy the gif on the side that is an ovaries-killing son of a bitch. :b

Okay, I'm gonna go now so this stays short.

I love you.

-Jamie xx

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