Taylor & Niall - The Boyband Prince And The Directioner Princess

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    I handed the plate that held the peanut butter and jelly sandwich to my daughter, Nicole, who sat on the couch next to her father, both of them clad in their pajamas. "Remember, eat then bed."

    "Okay, mommy." She took a big bite out of the sandwich, her hazel eyes trained on the TV in front of her as they characters from Madagascar danced across the screen. I walked back into the kitchen to put everything away. "Daddy?"

    "Yes, princess?" Niall's voice echoed from the living room.

    "The zebra acts like you." I could hear the smile in her voice.

    Niall laughed. "Shush and give me some of your sandwich."


    I rolled over in the bed to feel Niall's spot next to me cold and empty. I sat up and ran my hands through my tangled brown hair. I could hear Niall's voice carry down the hall.

    I slowly climbed out of the bed, the clock reading two a.m., and stepped into the hall, following the sound of my husband's voice to Nicole's room. I peeked into her room, their faces illuminated by Nicole's Disney Princess nightlight. Niall's long body lay next to his daughter on her bed, her small body buried into his side.

    "Daddy," She turned her small face up to her father's, whose blue eyes were already focused on her, full of love. "How did you and mummy meet?"

    A small smile played on the Irish boy's lips as he remembered. "Well, your mommy won tickets to one of Uncle Haz, Uncle Lou, Uncle Liam, Uncle Zayn, and I's concerts. She and Aunt Jamie had front row seats. I was singing my verse to the song mommy loves so much, 'They Don't Know About Us', when I saw a girl that was absolutely stunning. Her hazel eyes, just like yours, shined with the lights from the stage and she sang every word to the song with a beautiful smile on her face."

    "Who was the girl?" Nicole's eager voice asked.

    His blue eyes shined as he looked at her. "It was your mum."

    She tucked a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear. "Can you sing the song for me?"

    "Of course, but only if you promise to go back to sleep. You're going shopping with Uncle Lou and Aunt Eleanor tomorrow."

    "I promise." She lay her head back on her pillow as Niall began to sing in his angelic voice.

    "People say we shouldn't be together, we're too young to know about forever, but I say they don't know what they talk, talk, talkin' about. 'Cause this love in only getting stronger, so I don't wanna wait any longer. I just wanna tell the world that you're mine, girl." He looked down at his daughter who was fast asleep on her colorful cheetah print pillow.

    He slowly sat up and stood up off the small bed. He pulled the light blue blanket over our little girl, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. He stepped out into the hall and smiled at me. "You're such a good father." I smiled and kissed him softly.

    "Thanks, babe." He slid his arm around my waist as we looked at Nicole, sleeping soundly in her bed. "She really loves that story." He took my hand as we walked down the hall back to our room.

    "It's her own personal fairy tale."   I smiled to myself.

    Niall shut the door as I climbed back under the covers. He slid in next to me, his muscular arms wrapping around my waist. He sang softly in my ear. "One touch and I was a believer. Every kiss, it gets a little sweeter." I smiled and kissed him, resting my head on his bare chest and falling aleep in my husband's arms.

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