Catherine & Harry - Blind Date

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    I nervously smoothed out my light blue dress again. My friend, Hannah, had set me up on a blind date with some guy named Harry that she met since she had began dating her new boyfriend named Niall.

    I stood on the boardwalk where the fair was set up that we had agreed to meet at. Couples held hands and kissed and laughed as they ventured from booth to booth, ride to ride. I sighed and looked over the railing at the water below that was pitch black in the night. Why did I even agree to this, or even botter to show up for that matter?

    "Catherine?" A deep husky voice with a British accent came from behind me. My head whipped around to see a curly haired, green eyed boy with a smile on his lips, revealing the cutest dimple on his left cheek. My eyes took in the white button-up shirt paired with the black pants on his body. It was the outfit that I was told my date would be wearing.

    "Harry?" I asked, shocked. He smiled.

    "That's me." He chuckled and took another look at me. "Wow. You're even more beautiful than Hannah described." I blushed, sending a big mental thank you to Hannah.

    "Thanks. You're pretty cute yourself." He chuckled again. He looked down to his hands that held a blood-red rose, it was absolutely beautiful. He held it out to me. I reached out and took it from his hands gently, my eyes studying the beauty. "It's beautiful, Harry. Thank you." I smiled.

    "You're welcome, love." He took my hand in his. "Now let's get this date started, shall we?" As the night progressed, I had grown to like Harry. He was sweet, kind, cute, a gentleman, and to top it all off, he was British. We were currently on the ferris wheel, the ride jerked to a stop as the cart that we were seated in sat at the top, swinging back and forth due to the sudden stop. Terrified of heights, I clutched onto Harry's arm, his muscular bicep flexing underneath my fingertips. He slipped his hand into mine, wrapping his other arm around my waist. "Scared of heights?" He asked in my ear, his minty breath blowing hot air across my cold skin. He pulled me closer. "It's okay, love. I got you. You have nothing to be worried about. I'm here." I smiled, staring out at the fair with the darken waters surrounding it.


    "I had a lot of fun tonight, Harry." I smiled as the Cheshire boy and I walked up the walkway to my house, our joined hands swinging between us.

    "So did I. I'm really glad Hannah convinced me into doing this."

    "I'm really glad I stayed."

    We stopped on the wide porch in front of the door to my home. He tucked a strand of my curly blonde hair behind my ear before taking my face in his hands and placing a soft lingering kiss on my lips. I smiled when he pulled away, his green shining in the night. "When can I see you again?" His deep voice asked.

    "Soon. You have my number now, so text me."

    "Sounds good, love." He kissed me once more before turning and walking back to his car.

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