Sarah & Louis - Look After You

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    Louis and I sat on the blanket he had laid out on the dirt on the shore of the river. The city lights reflected off the water, causing it to shine beautifully. My head rested on Louis' shoulder, his arm wrapped around my shoulders, our hands intertwined between us. "It's beautiful, Lou. How do you always find these spots?"

    "I have my ways." He smiled.

    I looked up at him. "You mean looking all over London to find spots like these?"

    He put his hand over my mouth. "Shh! It's supposed to be a secret."

    "It's not really a secret. Niall knows. Harry knows. Liam knows. Zayn knows. Your mo-"

    "Just shush." He cut me off with a smirk. I laughed. He stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up. He led me off the blanket and closer to the water. With a smile on his face and the moonlight shining down on us, lighting up his bright eyes, he placed his other hand on my waist. We danced as he sang. "If I don't say this now, I will surely break as I'm leaving the one I want to take. Forget the urgency, but hurry up and wait. My heart has started to separate. Whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa. Be my baby. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa. Be my baby, and I'll look after you..."

    We swayed as he sang the beautiful song. He finished as my head rested on his chest. His steady heartbeat was like music in the quiet night. I felt Louis' hand come up to my chin, softly tilting my face up to his. My brown eyes looked into his blue-green ones as he slowly leaned in, softly but passionately kissing my lips.

    Our first kiss.

    Louis' soft lips moved in sync with mine as the sounds of the water lapping played around us. Shivers shot up and down my spine at his touch, at our kiss. He pulled away, both of us slightly breathless. "Sarah?" He whispered.

    "Yes, Louis?" I whispered back.

    "I love you." A grin spread scross my face as those three words left his lips.

    "I love you, too." I kissed him once again as we swayed to the sounds of the water.

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