Chapter 12

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We were on the bus to go on our trip. Violet was yelling at us, telling us what were going to do when we got there.

There was a total of 8 people on the bus. Most of them were boys, which I hadn't expected. Her friend Grace was there too, but Grace was her exact opposite. Grace was nice and cheery and well... you know Violet.

Logan was sitting next to me on the bus. I was little squished against his big arms. When Logan had gotten in the bus, everyone watched him. I guess they would've never expected someone as popular as him to be here.

A girl with short blonde hair and gray eyes was watching his every move with a big smile on her face.

"Wow, you really came through, Hannah. Good job." Violet said, giving me a thumbs up.

The bus drove off. We would be on this bus for a few hours and I definitely wasn't looking forward to it.

I was getting sleepy, so I lay my head on Logan's shoulder. His arm circled my waist, pulling me closer to him. I went to sleep after that.

I dreamt of the trip where'd I'd be cooking and having fun with Logan. I was so excited.

When I woke up, the bus had stopped. "Bathroom break everyone!" Grace said. The bus began to empty. I didn't have to pee, so I just waited. Logan got off the bus with everyone else. He must have to go.

After about 10 minutes, everyone came back. When Logan got onto the bus, he had a giant smile on his face. The blonde girl was close behind him. Logan sat down in the seat next to me.

I felt a tight pull in my chest. Peyton and Julia smiled at each other like that all the time, but I was too stupid to realize what they were doing.

I didn't look at Logan. I just stared out of the window.

"Bunny, are you okay?" He asked.

I shrugged, watching the beautiful trees flash by.

I went to sleep again, but this time against the cold hard window.

"We're here!" Grace yelled.

We grabbed our bags and got off the bus. Logan took mine from my hand and carried it for me.

Before us stood a tall white hotel. It was big, beautiful and white. It was covered in windows and it looked to have about a dozen floors. This building must've cost a fortune.

We walked in. We went up the stairs and then went down a long hallway. "Alright everyone, I assume you already decided who you'd share a room with. Go on."

They ran and quickly began to fill the rooms."I call right side of the bed!" Someone yelled.

Just as Logan and I were about to enter a room, the blonde jumped up in front of him and they began to whisper. I felt the pull again. I turned and chose a room down the hall. I slammed the door shut and sat on the bed. The door swung open a second later.

"Bunny, I thought you wanted the room down there. Do you not want it anymore?"

"No. You and that blonde can have it."


Violet immediately walked in holding a hammer.

Is she going to attack us?

"Python, go down there and help on the stand. We need one more person." She said, hitting him with in the shoulder.

He gave me one look, then quickly left the room and went down the stairs. Violet didn't leave. She just stared at me as I stared out the window.

"What's the matter, Hannah? You look upset."

"I'm fine. Go away."

"I wish l could, but we have some cooking to do so get up off your ass and cheer the fuck up." She tapped the hammer on top of my head. It was cold.

"Fine." I stood. "Let's go." I followed her down the stairs. We entered the hotel kitchen. It was big and empty, besides us being there. I washed my hands and put on an apron.

I began to cut vegetables with Violet. The blonde came in a few minutes after and began to roll out some dough. Did she wash her hands? I don't want whore all over the food.

What has gotten into me?

I could see Logan outside with the other boys, hammering pieces of the stand together.

He saw me watching him gave me a big smile. I averted my eyes from him, then got back to cutting.

We made cupcakes, muffins, a few salads, stew and much more.

Before we were going to hand the food out, Violet Grace and I painted the stand. Grace made a big sign to draw people in. Once it dried, we began to place the food on the stand. The people in the neighborhood had already began to notice what we were doing.

"Is this food free?" A tall man asked. He was holding a baby. The baby had a binky in it's mouth and was hitting his father in the neck with a stuffed elephant.

"Yes it is." I said. "Have whatever you like."

Violet didn't tell me why we were helping this neighborhood, but the people in it seemed to be sad about something.

"I'll take it from here, Hannah." Violet said. "Hey Don and cutesy Dylan! Oh, Dylan has gotten so big! What would you two like?"

I went back into the hotel kitchen and began to clean up. I filled the dishwasher with dishes and began to sweep the floors. I went to take the trash out. When I went outside and opened the door, the garbage bag dropped from my hand.

I couldn't believe what I had saw.

He was kissing her...

I ran back into the kitchen, slamming the door shut behind me.
The picture above is the hotel they're staying in. I have never been to that hotel. It's so pretty!

What'll happen next?

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Sincerely, Heaven

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