Chapter 14

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Hannah POV

I woke up. The room was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing.

I felt a shift behind me. I turned. Logan was behind me. He was asleep. His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted. He was shirtless. He made a noise and I watched as his chest went in and out as he breathed.

It was strange. I didn't even remember falling asleep. All I could remember was running from Logan.

My shoes weren't on. They were laying neatly on the floor against the wall. He must've taken them off.

I was still in my apron though. I slipped it off over my head and threw it at the wall.

"Bunny..." Logan whispered.

Was he... dreaming of me?

I brushed his beautiful blonde hair from his forehead. His forehead was covered in sweat.

I pulled the blanket up to his shoulder, but that made his eyes open.

He smiled at me. "Hi Bunny,"


Suddenly, the memories of him kissing that girl flashed through my mind. I felt a tight pull in my chest.

"She's nothing to me, I promise." He said, his eyes searching mine for understanding.

I remembered him bursting into the room and hugging me. I remembered what he said to me and how it made me feel.

Logan cares about me. Just like Violet said.

"I know," I said, but thinking of that kiss still hurt.

"I don't care about anyone but you..." he whispered.

My heart beat sped up. "I know."

"I care about you more than Peyton ever could..."

I shivered at Peyton's name. "I know."

"I like you, Hannah."

My heart skipped a beat. He called me Hannah...

Logan likes me? Logan Python likes me?

My face was burning red. I was glad the room was dark so he couldn't see my face.

I needed to tell him how I felt, but my breath had escaped me.

"Do you like me too, Bunny?"

I looked into his big blue eyes. They were full of hope and love.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Yes." I nodded.

His eyes closed. He let out a breath. "I knew it," he smiled at me.

I moved closer to him and lay my head on his chest. His arms circled me. I listened to his heartbeat. It was like music. It was my favorite song.

"Logan?" I said, trying to look up at him but he held my head to his chest.


"Do you... still like basketball?" I recalled hearing the word basketball outside as I was sweeping.

"Yes, but I'm not as good at it like I used to be."


"Because of you."


"Yes. You're all I think about, Bunny. I can't focus on playing anymore."

"I'm so sorry, Logan. Could you stop thinking me so much then?" I buried my face into his chest.

"Bunny, I'm okay with leaving basketball if it means I can be with you more often."

I quickly pulled away so he could see my face. "No Logan! You can't!"

"Why not?"

"Don't leave basketball for me. That's ridiculous."

"I don't think it is,"

"Well of course you don't."

"Bunny, I'm leaving basketball. That's final."

"Please don't leave Logan. I never got to watch you practice and don't you have a big game coming up soon?"

"How do you know about that?" He frowned.

"Noah told me."

"What?!" He growled.

He sighed then smiled at me. "How about we talk about this in the morning, Bunny. I don't want to argue with you. Besides, you like me and I want to continue to be happy about that." He smiled at me.

The hallway light turned on outside of our door. I heard footsteps. "Kylee, this can wait. Go home." It was Violet's voice.

"Don't you want to help my poor brother?" I squeaky voice said. That girl must be the cheerleader Violet was yelling at in front of the lockers.

"Kylee, we broke up forever ago! I don't care about your brother anymore. He's a stupid asshole and he deserves what ever's coming to him!"

"But please... He needs your help." The girl begged.

"Then he should be asked for it before he dumped me. I'm sorry, Kylee. I don't want to help him. He's going to fucking jail. He burned down a fucking day care! Do you know how upset the people are in this neighborhood?! They're heartbroken! It took me months to convince my cooking class to agree to this! We did this because of him, Kylee. I'm not covering up for him anymore!" I heard a door slam shut. They must have went inside.

Violet's ex did this? He ruined this town?

I lay back down and lay my head on Logan's chest. He let out a breath. He pulled the blanket up to my shoulder. He whispered sweet things into my ear and rubbed my back as I fell asleep.

"I like you, Bunny." I heard as I began to dream.
Will the relationship between our MC's become stronger?

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Sincerely, Heaven

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