Chapter 29

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"Step on it, Charles!" Violet yelled. Charles slammed his foot on the gas and the car jerked forward.

Logan's car was visible just a few yards before us, zooming down the street. His car made a screeched, sending a shiver down my spine.

"How the hell is he driving like this in a boot?!" Violet inquired.

"He's pissed, god damnit! Chase is gonna get his ass kicked." Charles sighed.

"He needs to calm down or he'll crash!" I said. "We have to do something!"

"He's driving faster than coyote! What should we do, jump out in front of the car!" Violet said, shaking her head viciously.

"Maybe I could try calling him!" I said.

"Hannah that's the dumbest thing you've said all day! First of all, he's pissed! Second of all, he'll crash of he takes his hand off the wheel for even a second!"

The car swerved. My body swung to the right, slamming my cheek hard onto the window.  "Charles be careful!"

"I'm trying to keep up!"

"There's a red light up ahead!" Violet said, pointing down the road. I watched as Logan's car began to slow. His car came to an abrupt stop at the light.

"He speeds down the road like a maniac then stops at a light?! Who is this guy?" Violet yelled, waving her hands in the air.

Now is a perfect time to call him! I pulled my phone from my pocket as fast as I could, almost dropping it. My thumbs slammed onto the screen as I furiously typed in his phone number. Charles stopped the car just a few feet behind Logan's, waiting for the light to change.

He answered faster than you could say teddy bear.

"Bunny? Where are you? Why didn't you visit me at the hospital? Why'd you leave the mansion? Why'd did you go on a date with Chase?" He said out of breath. "Answer me!"

Hearing his voice after so long sent a shiver through my body.

"Logan," I said into the phone. "Listen, just calm down. I'll answer all your questions. You asked me where I was right? I've been living with Violet this whole time. She took me in right after the accident because I... I didn't want to go home without you. I didn't visit you at the hospital because I was scared. I was so scared, Logan. After the accident I was just so shooken up and I just couldn't see you. I wanted to see you, I promise. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. And I didn't go on a date with Chase. I was having a terrible day because everyone was talking about the accident and-"

I was stopped by two loud knocks on the window I had currently hit my face on. On the other side was Logan's gorgeous face, staring at me with intense endearment. We stared at each other like that in silence.

A smile crept into my face and my eyes began to water.

I needed to hug him. I motioned for him to step back and once he did, I swung the car door open and jumped into his arms. "Logan!" I cried out.

"Bunny!" His arms quickly circled me and he squeezed my body tight. He buried his face into my neck and let out a sob. "Bunny, you're okay! Thank god."

I buried my face into his chest. I missed his scent. I missed his big arms around me and the warmth they gave. I missed Logan completely all together.

"Bunny, what are you doing here? Why are you following me? Why did you go on a date with Chase?!" He growled the last sentence and pulled away from me so he could see my face completely.

"I didn't go on a date with Chase, Logan. I was miserable that day and Chase was nice enough to talk to me because no one else would. He asked me if I wanted to go to lunch with him and I said yes. It wasn't a date. I would never go on a date with someone else because I love you." I raised my hands and placed then on his warm cheeks. "You know that,"

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