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********2 years later***********

"Mommy! Pick me up!"

"You'll have to wait, Nathan. Mommy's making dinner." I reached down and pet his head. 

Logan and I had given birth to son. His name was Nathan Python. He was very adorable. He had my dark hair, but Logan's sea colored eyes.

"When will Daddy be home?" He asked, trying to climb into a chair at the table.

"In a few minutes, honey." Logan had a big meeting today. This meeting could make the company worldwide if the client accepted the contract. As his PA, I should've been there, but the babysitter cancelled last minute, so I had to stay home with Nathan.

"Peachy!" Nathan yelled, running toward the dog. Peachy had gotten so big. He towered over Nathan. Nathan jumped onto the dog and rubbed his fur. "Peachy! Peachy! Peachy!" He sang.

From the kitchen, I could hear the front door open. Logan must be home. A few moments later, he entered the kitchen dressed in a suit, holding his suitcase. He looked exhausted.

"Daddy!" Nathan yelled and ran to his father.

"There he is! My pride and joy!" Logan yelled, swooping him up into his arms. "How's my little boy?!"

"Hungry!" He yelled.

"Daddy is too! How about we eat Mommy for dinner?!"

"No, Daddy! That's mean!" Nathan said.

"Really Logan?" I said, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm just joking with you, honey!" Logan said as he set Nathan onto the ground. "Daddy's buddy Tim brought home some cookies. Do you want some?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Nathan yelled jumping up and down.

"Go find Celeste! She has the treasure!"

"Yay!" Nathan ran out of kitchen and into the living room with Peachy chasing after him.

"Hey baby, I missed you at work today." Logan said, as he circled his arms around me from behind.

"Gosh Logan, I'm so sorry. I couldn't have just left him here with Celeste."

"Bunny, she wouldn't have minded. She said it was okay."

"But, she's the maid, not the babysitter. She already does so much, I don't want to pile more work onto her."

Logan let out a sigh and placed a kiss on my neck. "This is the fifth time Emily has cancelled. We'll need a new babysitter if she keeps this up."

"Her mother is in the hospital, Logan."

"Then we should fire her. I bet she would like it better if she got to spend time with her mother anyway."

"But then, she wouldn't be financially stable."

"Bunny, I understand that you're worried about her and all but think about our kid. We need to have someone to take care of him while we're gone. I can't continue having meeting without you, Bunny."

Then, I remembered. "Meeting?! How did the meeting go today! Did he sign the contract?!"

He let out another sigh. " I don't know, Bunny..."

"You don't know? What does that mean?"

"Look, I think Mr. Gold still hates us. You know, for putting his daughter in jail?"

"Chloe put herself in jail! We didn't do anything but call the police!"

"I know. I know. But, he was being weird today. He was having a conversation with my client before I saw him. It felt pretty sketchy to me."

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