Chapter 11

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"What is it you want me to do again?" Logan asked, he he was washing his face in the bathroom mirror. He had just taken a shower.

"I need you to come on a trip with Violet and I. We'll be cooking for the neighborhood." I said, balancing on my toes.

"Okay." He said and threw his towel into the sink.

"C-can you cook?" I asked him, fiddling my thumbs.

"Of course I can, Bunny. I cook for you all the time." He said, walking past me and out of the bathroom. He sat on his bed.

"Oh. Right." How could I have forgotten? The food he cooks is so delicious.

"Would you come, please?" I asked, nervously. "It'll be fun. I promise."

He scratched the back of his neck. "Bunny..." he sighed.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Listen... would you call yourself 'friends' with Violet?" He said, not looking at me.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I was just curious." He was lying. I could tell.

"Logan? Would you please come with me?"

"Okay, Bunny. On one condition." He smirked.

Fuck. I should've never have started that.

"Sure. Whatever." I shrugged. What he could possibly want?

"Don't whatever me." He frowned. "Let's be serious."

He's in a bad mood today. I wonder why.

"Sorry, I guess. It is whatever." I shrugged again.

He rubbed his temples in frustration. "Bunny, you're irritating me." He crossed his arms and looked up at the ceiling. He looked to be deep in thought. He rubbed his chin and I realized a stubble was growing there.

"What do you want me to do?" I nervously asked.

"Sleep with me." He calmly said.

Holy Mother of God! Is he insane?! This is too fast. WAY to fast.

My face was burning. I covered my hands with my face to cover my cheeks. "Sleep with you... Logan, I-I cant. I don't have any experience at all. I'd be terrible-"

"Not sex. Sleep in the bed with me tonight. Simple."

My face burned even more. I was even more embarrassed for assuming that he wanted sex and almost admitting that I was a virgin.

When Peyton and I were together, we never had sex because I refused to do it. My parents told me that married sex is the best sex, so I decided to wait. I didn't want a shitty first time.

Peyton didn't want to wait though. He always wanted to do it, but whenever he brought it up, I'd change the subject, leaving him hard and horny. He would tell me he loved my body and my curves, but that was only an attempt to get me into bed. It didn't work anyway.

Maybe that's why he choose Julia over me. She could give him something I couldn't. Sometimes I wish I could have. Then we would still be together.

"Is that all you want?" I asked Logan.

"Yes. That is all." He lay back on his elbows on the bed. He looked so handsome. He was in long black basketball shorts and a dark blue tank top. I liked the tank top better than the black shirt because I could see his big muscles. My fingers yearned to touch them.

"Do you wanna lay down now?" He asked.

"I didn't shower yet."

"I don't care." He gave a smile. "I only want to cuddle."

I face heated again. How is he doing this?

"Y-You never said we had to cuddle."

"That was implied, Bunny." He crossed his arms behind his head, causing him to fall back onto the bed. He let out a chuckle.

"Okay... I'm gonna take a shower first." I quickly ran out of the room, so he couldn't grab me like he did last time.

I jumped into the shower. I took my time because I didn't want to go out there.

Damn it. I deserve this. I started this stupid trend between us anyway.

I hurried and dressed in the black shirt he gave me the other day and pink pajama bottoms. I turned off the lights in my bedroom just to stall.

I walked down the hall to his room. The door swung open before I could even touch the doorknob. He was standing there shirtless, looking as gorgeous as ever. I looked into the bedroom behind him and the lights were off. I couldn't see a thing.

"You know, Logan." I nervously said. "I could always go on the trip by myself. You could stay here."

"It's too late to change your mind now, Bunny." He pulled me into the bedroom. He lay down on the bed and motioned me to come toward him. "Come and lay down with me."

I climbed into the bed with him. His arms slowly circled me. He pulled my body toward his chest. He was so warm.

He ran his hand up and down my shoulder, then slowly began to places kisses on it. His kisses were so soft and gentle. They were nothing like Peyton's kisses. Peyton's were rough and wild. Logan's were so relaxing. I wanted to fall asleep.

I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling even more.

His kisses sped up. He slipped my shirt down where my shoulder was and kissed my bare skin. His soft lips went up to my neck. I let out a moan once he reached my soft spot.

I wanted to know how his lips would feel against my own, but I quickly erased the thought from my mind.

The kisses slowly came to a stop. I made a noise of disappointment. He chuckled. "Did you enjoy that, Bunny?"

I nodded.

"Look at me, Bunny" I turned my head and I looked into his eyes. His pupils had dilated. They were so big and dark.

He took my chin into his hands. He leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose. He then gave me a big smile.

He was so gentle... too gentle.

That night. I went to sleep in Logan's arms.

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Sincerely, Heaven

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