Chapter 10

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I was getting ready for school. I slipped on one of Logan's blue hoodies because it was freezing outside. I pulled on my blue jeans and then my shoes.

When I looked up, Logan was standing in the doorway with a big smile on his face. Was he watching me? Pervert.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep!" I said.

He came up to me and felt the sweater. "It looks a lot better on you then it does on me."

"Really? It's pretty big." I waved my arms. The unfilled ends of the sleeves flapped around.

"I have a lot of big things, Bunny. We'll just have to find a way to make them fit." He winked.

My face became red. Was that a sex joke?

He walked down the hall then down the stairs. I could still see the huge smile on his face. "Let's go."

"Wait, was that a sex joke?!" I said, running after him.

He only chuckled.

It was, right? He's so dirty.

I climbed into the big, beautiful car with him. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked, turning the heat on.

"A chocolate muffin. You?"

He just stared at me, saying nothing. Then he smiled.

"Logan! Stop that!"

"Okay okay, Let's go."

We drove to a nearby bakery. I ate my muffin and drunk some orange juice. He had sausage biscuit and eggs.

He drove to school right after. Once we got in, he immediately approached Noah. I followed behind.

"Hey there, Noah."

"My man!" They did that handshake again. "Where's the little sugarplum?"

"Right behind me." Logan said. Noah looked over his shoulder and looked down at me. "Oh, now would you look at that! I thought you had a floating sweater behind you."

"Noah," Logan warned.

"Joking! I was joking! She's so small. I barely noticed her."

"I'm not small," I said back. "You're just a lot taller than me."

"Oh, even her voice is tiny. Can I keep her? Please? Pretty please, Mom?" He begged Logan.

"No, Noah. I already told you Bunny belongs to me. End of discussion."

What does he mean by that? Property? I was nobody's property.

I heard stomping down the hall. The students in the hall went quiet but I could hear tiny whispers.

It wasn't Logan coming down the hall this time. It was Violet.

She was staring directly

I clung to Logan's arm and dug my face into his shoulder. Why is she looking at me? What does she want?

"Python." She said, her eyes locking with Logan's.

"Summers." Logan said, looking her up and down. "You look as menacing as always."

"Thank you, Anaconda. Anyway, I need to talk to Hannah. I can see her behind you. Hand her to me."

"No Logan." I said, holding his arm tighter. "She's gonna yell at me."

"Pfft. Do you always worry about that whenever I come around? I'm not going to yell at you, Hannah. Come with me." She grabbed my arm, pulling me from Logan.

"Logan!" I yelled, tugging on his sweater and pulling my body to his chest.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Bunny. She won't yell at you."

"You don't know that!"

"I won't, alright. I have no reason to yell at you. Do you have a yelling phobia or something?" Violet crossed her arms over her chest.

"No... I just don't like it. Like everyone else in the universe!" I yelled at her.

She sighed. "Come on. What I need to talk to you about is really important. No yelling will be involved at all. I need you to agree to this and yelling won't help my case."

"What do you need help with?" I asked.

"It's sort of embarrassing. We need to go somewhere private. There are too many eyes and ears around here."

"Okay. I guess we'll talk..."

What if it's something bad? What if she wants me to help trash someone's car? What if she wants me to kidnap someone?

"Stop thinking that I'm insane, alright? Let's get going. I'll bring her back, Python. Unscathed."

"I hope so or-"

"Don't you threaten me. I'll fight both you and Noah." She said, pointing at them.

Noah held his hands up in defense. "Whoa. Keep me out of this."

"If we are fighting for Bunny, then yours truly is already the winner." Logan said with a smile.

"Whatever. Let's go, Hannah." Violet rolled her eyes. I walked down the hall with her. She unlocked the school kitchen and we walked in.

I sat at one of the tables and began to eat some of the cookies that had been freshly baked.

She loudly sighed to herself. "Alright Hannah. I need you to go somewhere with me."

"You... want me to go somewhere with you?"

"Yes, Hannah. Next week I'm going to a field trip for cooking class. We're going to spend the night at this neighborhood and create a food stand there. We're gonna cook for all the people there and-"

"Awww! Violet you're so sweet! You're gonna help all those people?" I said, getting close to her.

"Let me finish, Hannah. We'll be there for two days. We'll be spending the night at a hotel. My friend Grace said she would come with me, but we need more people to cook for us and get food. I'd like for you and Python to come."

"Why us?"

"Because your my friend and he's your friend. Invite him and the both of you can go together and share a room."

Share a room?! I've slept in a bed with Logan before but share a room?! That's a little extreme. Stop thinking about yourself, Hannah. It's about Violet and those people. They need my help.

"Sure. If those people really need it then we'll help." I said.

Her face lit up. "Really?! Thank you so much, Hannah!' She pulled me into a tight hug. "We finally have a enough people! I'll tell Grace! Remember to tell Python. The both of you better know how to cook!"

This seems like it could be a lot of fun. I was excited to help Violet, but I wasn't that much of a cook. Hopefully Logan was better at it than I was.

Hopefully... he'll agree to come.
Do you think he'll agree?

Please vote and comment!

Sincerely, Heaven

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