Chapter 27

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Logan has been in the hospital for two weeks. He had been released today. He broke a few ribs and his ankle was sprained. I haven't seen him at all those past two weeks. Once I approached the hospital, I just couldn't go in. I knew his parents were inside with him because the paparazzi were everywhere outside the hospital. Everyone wanted to meet Mr. and Mrs. Python. They didn't care about Logan at all.

I hadn't been to the mansion either. Logan's parents were living there. Everytime I walked by, the bodyguards would glare at me until I was out of sight.

I was living with Violet at the time. She was kind enough to take me in. She found me crying on the sidewalk and told me to come home with her. Although she seems like a bully, she really is a nice girl. 

When I walked into class, the students continued to stare at me.

I hated that everyone knew about the fight. One of Jason's goons told everyone about it before the police found him.

I still wanted to know who sent them to hurt Logan. That psycho!

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Someone whispered behind me.

A man with short, shiny black hair and big blue eyes was behind me. He was in a big blue hoody and blue jeans. He smiled at me once I turned to him.

He's... pretty handsome.

"What did you say?" I asked, lifting my eyebrows.

"Are you okay? You were involved in the accident right?"

"Oh. I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

"Good." He said. "Are you busy during lunch today?"

"No. Why?"

"How about we go to lunch together then?"

"What?!" I said way too loudly. My face quickly went red in embarrassment.

Mr. Leaf looked in my direction and glared at me. "Miss Sky,"

"Sorry, Mr. Leaf." I said, lowering my head.

He just sighed, then continued the lesson.

"So what do you say?" He asked. "It'll be a lot better than sitting in the cafeteria with everyone staring at you."

Well... I didn't want to stared at during lunch. I didn't want to sit alone either. Violet had to make up a few assignments for cooking class so she couldn't sit with me.

"O-okay." I said. "I'll go to lunch with you."

"Sweet! I can't wait. By the way, I'm Chase." He held his hand out to me.

I shook it. "Nice to meet you, Chase. I'm Hannah."

"I know who you are, Hannah."
I leaned up against my locker and stared down at my shoes. I was waiting for Chase. He was three minutes late.

"Hannah!" I turned to see Chase zooming down the hall toward me. Wow, he's pretty fast.

He came to a stop before me. "Ready to go?" He said, breathing heavily.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Let's go."

We left the school and climbed into his car. It was a big red, shiny truck. It smelled so nice inside, as if the car was brand new.

He quickly turned on the heat, then drove down the road.

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked him.

"We're going to get nachos!" He yelled, with a big smile on his face. 

"Really?!" I excitedly said. "I love Nachos!"

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