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I'm watching the play. I'm trying to. I was never able to pay attention to musicals. Until he came out. What was he playing again? Some character named Crutchy? That's it. Even in the ancient pants and dirty makeup, he was gorgeous. He had a perfectly charismatic smile and a voice of a siren. I don't understand Newsies. My brother, Shiro, is playing the main character. A pretty girl named Allura was playing Katherine, was it? I flip through the program in the dim light.

Lance McClain- Crutchy
Lance is a student at Voltron University. This is his twenty-fifth production. His favorite role was Cosmo Brown in Singin' in the Rain. He loves acting, singing, dancing and making new friends. Instagram: lmcclain

I dog-ear the page and return to the show. I begin to enjoy it until what I assume to be the last scene. Crutchy is thrown over the shoulder of a bad guy. "Jack!" He yells. My breath catches and the curtains close.
The lights come up. I turn on my phone and go to Instagram, typing in the Instagram.

Lance McClain
💞 ain't no lie baby bi bi bi💞

I flip through the program, looking for names I've heard Shiro say or people who attend Galra University.
I find a few.

Takashi Shirogane- Jack Kelly
Shiro is twenty six and runs a business outside of acting. This is his nineteenth production and third production with the Alliance Theater. He's grateful for his brother and his fiancé. Instagram: shiro.kashi

Katie "Pidge" Holt- Medda Larkin
Pidge is a student at Garrison High School. She has been in four shows with the Alliance Theater. She enjoys robotics, Netflix and procrastinating her work. She wants to thank her mom, dad and brother for supporting her. Instagram: pidgey

Coran Altea- Joseph Pulitzer
Coran is a director at the Alliance. He's been in too many shows to count. He enjoys hanging out with friends, protecting his lawn and singing. He hopes you enjoy the show!

Allura Alfor- Katherine Plummer
Allura teaches martial arts. She's been in five productions overall. She's excited to be playing Katherine- a strong female leader. Outside of acting, she enjoys martial arts, board games and chilling with her pet mice. Instagram- princessallura

Hunk Garret- Oscar Delancey
Hunk is a student at Voltron University. He's been in three shows at Alliance. Acting is his passion but he also enjoys cooking and robotics. He's thankful for the support given by his family and friends. He hopes you enjoy the show! Instagram- hunkygarret

I smile. Shiro has told many stories about these people. Adam nudges my shoulder. "It's about to start."
"Shiro's grateful for you," I mention. He rolls his eyes.
"He better be."
I look at Lance's most recent post. It's picture of the cast and the caption reads: Come see Newsies! Opens tonight and is open through the fifteenth!
It's opening night tonight. I smile to myself. I don't know why.

I don't see him most of the second act, which is disappointing. I get jittery about meeting him. Shiro was hosting dinner at our house tonight. Eventually, the pretty boy comes back. The show ends.
Adam gives Shiro his flowers and kisses him. The whole cast whoops. Maybe even some of the crew too. We get out and start the food at home as quickly as possible.
"Shiro, is this like a formal thing?" I ask.
He laughs. "It's at our house. Of course it's not. Everyone's gonna be sweaty and tired."
"But- like- are you sure?"
"Yes, Keith," Shiro sighs. "Get out."
I retreated to the living room. I hear Adam starting lasagna in the kitchen. I'd offer to help, but everyone knows I'm awful at cooking.
"Set the table?" I call.
"Go ahead," Adam laughs. I roll my eyes. I set the table.
"Nine?" I double check. Adam counts.
"Yeah," he nods.
"Lit," I say. Adam scoffs.
"Such a teenager."
"I am almost twenty!" I mention.
"In like a month."
"Almost twenty!" I call while walking back to the couch. The moment I sit down, the doorbell rings. I open the door. It's Lance.
"Hi!" He smiles. "I'm assuming you're Keith?"
I nod. "Yeah. Uh, come on in." He nods.
"Shiro will not shut up about you. Or Adam. If he's talking there's a 99.9% chance it's about you or Adam. Oh, I'm Lance by the way," he rambles.
"Yeah. You were really awesome tonight."
"Thank you!"
"Is that Lance I hear? Conversing with an emo?" Shiro calls from staircase.
Lance laughs. "T'is I."
"I am not emo!" I protest.
"You're an emo teenager," Adam says.
"I am almost twenty!" I laugh. Lance smiles.
"Lance here just turned twenty two months ago," Shiro points out.
"I did?" Lance jokes.
"I said they'd get along," Shiro says to Adam, who steps out of the kitchen for a moment.
"They've hardly talked," Adam laughs.
"Whatever," Shiro rolls his eyes and kisses Adam on the cheek.
"Aw," Lance says. "Can I have relationship like that?"
"Same," I giggle.
"You're single?" Lance says, surprised.
"Um, yeah, no one wants to date a teenaged emo. How are you single?" I shoot back.
He laughs. "Oh, honey, no one's good enough for me."
"That's not true," Shiro scolds. "Everyone's just intimidated by you."
Lance scoffs. "So why don't you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Something?"
"Boyfriend. Uh, I don't know. I'm not very personable." I shrug.
"Can't relate," Lance laughs.
The doorbell rings again and Shiro opens it. It's Allura, the girl he'd kissed at least twice. They hug and she shakes Adam's hand, probably worried that he's gonna smack her. She hugs Lance and smiles at me.
"You're Keith, I assume?" She sticks her hand out.
"I am," I say, taking her hand.
"Oh my god, you and Adam should go on a double date with Romelle and I!" Allura whirs around to look at Shiro.
"Yeah!" Shiro grins. "Was she there tonight?"
Allura nods. "Yeah, she was. She's super shy, otherwise I would introduced you all."
"Another time." Shiro shrugs.
Pidge bursts in the door. "'Sup!" She shouts. I've met Pidge before, on a few occasions. Her brother was a close friend of Shiro's; they went to college together.
"Good to see you too," Shiro remarks. He hugs Matt, Pidge's brother before messing Pidge's hair. Pidge cringes at the touch.
"Hey man," Matt fist bumps me.
"Hey, my heterosexual dude," Pidge punches my arm.
"I'm up to my knees in pussy right now," I respond. It's been a running joke since Matt thought I was straight.
Lance blinks. "Wha- What?" He laughs a little.
"Inside joke," Pidge says. Matt rolls his eyes.
"I'm sorry I have a faulty gaydar!" Matt laughs.
Hunk arrived next. "Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with your driveway?"
"Uber?" Pidge asks. He nods, taking a deep breath. He waves to everyone.
"The old man's taking longer than I did." Coran isn't far behind. He greets everyone with a too-firm handshake.
Dinner is good, and everyone gets to know each other better. Lance is the last one to read.
"Hey, Keith," he says as I begin to retreat upstairs.
"Do you think we could exchange numbers?"
"Oh, yeah, definitely. Give me your phone."
He hands it over and I type my number in.
"Text me," I say, leaving him dumbfounded at the bottom of the stairs. I have a text by the time I've finished showering.

Unknown: Hey it's Lance
Keith: Hey
Lance: didn't want to say this in front of your brother bc he might've whooped my ass, but would you wanna have coffee sometime?
Keith: yeah! I'm free most afternoons and super early in the morning. Let me know.
Lance: Tuesday work? Sometime between 2-5 works for me.
Keith: 3?
Lance: Perfect. At the cafe by the theater
Keith: sounds great. See you then!

Tuesday couldn't roll around any slower. I ended up there at 2:50. Was this a date? Of course, dumbass, why else would he have not said it in front of Shiro? I sit at a table by the window. Lance isn't here yet. He bustles in at 2:59. I wave. We order.
"Is it mutual that this is a date or nah?" Lance asks.
I laugh.  "That was bold." His eyes go wide. "Yes, it's mutual."
He puts his hand over his heart and exhales. "Phew. You didn't have to make me nervous like that."
"Is there another way you'd like me to make you nervous?" I joke.
He blushes a little. "No!"
"I'm kidding."
"Are you gonna come to another show?"
I shrug. "Probably."
He grins. "Wanna come backstage and make out during intermission?"

WC: 1457

A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long!! Schools been kicking my butt tbh.

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