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The lions returned to Earth after the Castle of Lions had exploded.
Allura, Coran and Shiro all agreed everyone deserved a little vacation before they tried to rebuild the castle again. So, they rented a house in a small beach town of California. It was early June, so the weather was nice. The house was big, with more rooms than they needed. It also had a pretty large pool.

Day One
Lance had agreed to meet Pidge and Hunk in the game room after lunch, but he wanted to go to the pool before hand. He went about nine, and Keith showed up at ten. Keith fell asleep on one of lounge chairs. Lance smiled.
At one of the rest stops on the way to Earth, Lance had confessed to Keith. He liked him. Keith admitted to having feelings for Lance as well, but they had yet to discuss it further.
At noon, Lance figured it was time to grab a sandwich and find Pidge and Hunk. As he headed out, he noticed that Keith's skin was turning a little red.
So, he took out some spray sunscreen he had in his bag and quickly sprayed it over Keith, who didn't stir. Lance also grabbed Keith's phone, which his earbuds were connected to, and set a timer for 90 minutes and labeled it, "Re-apply sunscreen <3 Lance."
And then he left.
He played the newest video games with Hunk and Pidge, then took a shower and headed to the dining room for dinner.
Hunk and Coran had cooked. Everything was gone, demolished, all plates licked clean, afterwards. Hunk and Coran figured they did well.
Before everyone dispersed, Pidge stood on their chair.
"Wait, wait, before we go!" They called. Everyone looked at Pidge. "I found out that the pride festival is next weekend. So I thought we could maybe go as a group!" (Day Six and Seven)
Everyone agreed. They did have a good LGBTQ+ group within Voltron. Lance was bi, Hunk was pan, Keith was gay, Pidge was non binary and pan, Shiro was ace and biro, Allura was bi and Coran was gay.
Lance headed back to his room.
"Lance!" Keith called. Lance stopped.
"What's up?" He smiled.
Keith blushed, as if he wasn't expecting Lance to respond. "Uh, um, thanks for setting the alarm on my phone. I think I would be a lobster otherwise!" He let out a laugh. Lance giggled.
"Of course," he beamed.
"Oh, and, uh, would you maybe wanna be my date for the pride festival thing?"
"Would I?" Lance joked. "Of course!"
Keith smiled.
"I hate to one up you," Lance leaned against the wall. "But would you maybe wanna be my boyfriend?"
Keith immediately turned tomato red. "Y-y-yeah."
"Great," Lance smiled, then went to his room. Once Keith was out of sight, he did his happy dance. Keith went to his room and squealed into his pillow.
Lance sat out on the little balcony of his room, looking up at the night sky. It had just turned dark. Way out here, Lance felt at home, seeing the stars he knew and hearing the ocean crashing against the shore just a short walk away.
He tried to call his mom again.
"Hi, you've reached Mariana McClain. Leave a message!" His mom's cheery voice said
Lance sighed. "Hi, Mama, it's Lance. I'm in California. I'm safe. Call me back."
He hung up, then tried his older sister. "Hi! You've reached Natasha! Leave a message after the tone! Beep!"
"Hi, Nat, it's Lance. Call me back when you can." Lance had recently recovered his siblings' phone numbers.
Then he tried his brother. It rang and Lance expected the worst.
"Hello," he heard his brother say.
"Leo! It's Lance!" Lance nearly cried on spot.
"Lance? Oh my god! Where are you?" Leo yelled.
"I'm in California. It's a long story. I'll meet you for lunch sometime before I have to go again," Lance smiled.
"I'm actually in LA right now, where are you staying?"
Lance gave him the location. It was fifty miles outside of LA. "So tomorrow at wherever you're at?" Leo proposed.
"Perfect," Lance said.
They said goodbye and hung up.
Natasha called back. They talked, and agreed to have coffee when Lance came back to Arizona.
Lance called his other siblings, Dante, April, Gina and Sierra.
He tried his mom again.
"Mama! It's Lance!"
"Lance, ¿cómo te atreves a preocuparte así? ¿Dónde has estado, puta? ¡¿Dónde estás?! (Lance, how dare you worry us like that? Where have you been, you bitch? Where are you?!)" Lance's mom yelled.
"Mama, I'm sorry. It's a long story, but I'm in California. I'll be back in Arizona in about a week."
"Sí, sí, very well. You should call your dad."
"Did he even know I was gone?" Lance retorted.
"I don't know," Mama said defensively. "But you should talk to him."
They talked for a bit, then hung up. Lance felt so much better.

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