Trying Again

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CW: yelling, verbal fights

"You don't bring in any money!" Keith yelled.
"I thought you said that was okay!" I shouted back.
"And it was!"
"It's not?"
"Because you're a lazy piece of shit and can't do anything right!"
I was silent. "Keith."
"No, we're done!" He slammed the door shut behind him.
That was the last time I saw Keith. I stayed in what was our apartment for another year, then moved back to my hometown in Ohio. I'd since, advised by my therapist, blocked his number and all his social medias. I cut off communication with his brother, Shiro. Pidge was still friends with Shiro, which I figured was okay. She never brought up Keith. Lance called and visited me often, which I was surprised by. He idolized Shiro and Keith. I was just his wingman.

Then, one day, I got a letter in my mailbox.

Dear Hunk,
I should've done this a long time ago. But my therapist finally told me to do it and is watching me write this now. I'm so so sorry for the things I said and did. I've been beating myself up about for three years now, but my ego stopped me from apologizing before you moved.
I can understand if you say no, but would you like to consider being friends again? No pressure, of course. Also, did you change your phone number? My texts don't go through.


PS Pidge gave me your address.

I was mildly relieved by the letter. He missed me! I shouldn't have been relieved though. I hadn't dated again, mostly because I was busy, but maybe because no one was quite like Keith.

Thank you for your letter. First of all, I didn't change my phone number but I'll send a text your way soon. I may have blocked you, on recommendation from my therapist, of course. And yeah, I'd enjoy being friends again. Also, I'm making six figures a year now, so, told you so? If I haven't texted you when you receive this, bother Pidge about it.


I felt a little nervous as I put the envelope in my mailbox. What if it was a joke? Keith didn't seem like that, but three years is a long time. I texted Pidge for good measure.

Hunk: I'm sending a letter back
Pidge: k
Hunk: is this a good idea
Pidge: he doesn't deserve you, but yes
Hunk: what's that supposed to mean
Pidge: I dunno

Hunk: I should send Keith back a letter right?
Lance: I think it would be helpful for both of you to start talking again
Hunk: you're not jealous?
Lance: what! No! I got over him like four years ago dude
Hunk: so yes?
Lance: definitely

I put the letter in the box, then ran back into my house. I took a moment to see myself in the mirror. I had lost weight since I'd last seen Keith. I was still big, but it was more of a healthier big. You know? Not that I was unhealthy before, of course. I just didn't have a lot of energy. How different would Keith be? Had he cut his hair? Did he gain weight? Did he get taller? Probably not. Keith hated change, unless that changed. That reminded me to unblock Keith. I decided I wouldn't text him until Pidge have me the green light. I had to play hard to get, right?
We were just going to be friends, though. At least that's what Keith said. So, I had to pretend that I was fantastic with or without him. Yeah? Sure!
A whopping week went by and finally Pidge said something.

Pidge: he's got the letter and is anxious for you to text him
Hunk: k

Hunk: hey it's hunk
Keith: hi
Hunk: how are things?
Keith: good. you?

I pondered my response for a moment.

Hunk: good
Keith: Nice. Six figures? Need me a sugar daddy.
Keith: sorry. Too soon?
Hunk: lol no 😂
Keith: k cool

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