Cheery Vibes

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I'm sure everyone's seen S6 but S6 spoilers in case you haven't!

The entire crew had finally made it to Earth. Allura was still a little closed off, after her encounter with Lotor, but Romelle had managed to cheer her up a little bit. Knowing there were more Alteans in the Quantum Abyss was mind blowing and Allura made sure it was a priority to relocate them once they'd rebuilt the Castle of Lions. But they'd all reasonably decided to take a breather for a little bit. They hung out at the Holt house.
Matt returned a few days later, after some profane siblings arguments about leaving him in space. Keith was socializing more than he usually did, but spent a large amount of his time looking after Shiro. Pidge and Hunk were working on building Shiro's new arm, and Matt did join them when he got back. Lance was mostly trying to get a hold of his family the first two days, then hung out with everyone, just floating from room to room.
Lance did however seem more mellow than usual. He'd arranged to fly to see his family and Shiro, Pidge, Hunk and Keith offered to join him. He was more than ecstatic at the offer and obviously accepted. Lance kept to himself in the airport and on the plane, and he always seemed to be nervously fidgeting and he closed his eyes every time there was a spot of turbulence. Pidge, who was sitting next to him, would make an effort to squeeze his hand comfortingly every time it happened. Shiro spent the short flight asleep and Keith read most of the time, only looking up to offer a small smile to Lance. Hunk watched the Incredibles, which no one could blame him about; it was a great movie. Pidge was listening to a podcast about aliens or something. Lance listened to music. He didn't seem to get bored. The flight dragged on for four long hours, and they eventually got off at the Orlando airport. They were only there for three nights, and they were all grown up enough to not mind skipping the theme parks. They figured they'd bring the whole crew if they were going to hit Disney world. Lance rented a car and Pidge ended up being squished in the backseat between Hunk and Keith. Lance groaned about Orlando traffic. They drove for about 45 minutes before arriving at a two story yellow house that lay on the outskirts of a bigger town.
Lance's mom rushed out of the front door, nearly knocking Lance over. She was followed by a late-20's-looking woman, then a man who appeared to be a little younger, then a boy who looked no more than two years older than Lance. After them came a kid who looked like they'd just gotten their driver's license, and a girl and boy who appeared to be 14, and a younger boy. Then a wave of two teetering children grabbed onto Lance's leg.
The late 20's chick was Maya, Lance's older sister. She was a single mom of a six year old, Keya, and a two year old, Leah. The other dude was Lance's older brother, Henry. The other boy was another one of Lance's older brothers, Cameron. The maybe sixteen year old was Harley, who was nonbinary. The fourteen year olds were twins, Kia and Luca. The younger boy was Lance's little brother, Noah, who was seven.
Lance swung Noah up onto his shoulders and saw his dad standing into the doorway. They smiled at each other and did the bro-hug. Hunk had met Kia, Luca, Noah and Harley, along with Lance's nieces, but when he'd visited for Lance's birthday one year, all the older siblings were off somewhere.  Pidge had seen pictures, and Shiro knew who Keya and Leah were because their dad was at the Galaxy Garrison. Shiro honestly wasn't a fan, however.
Lance gave them a short tour. The house didn't have ten thousand bedrooms, like it had kids, but rather five. His mom and dad had one, of course, and Noah, Keya and Leah shared a room. Maya had her own and Cameron and Henry shared. Then Lance, Harley, Kia and Luca all shared a bedroom. But Henry and Cameron were living in dorms at various colleges, so they'd recently dispersed. Luca stayed in the room, and Harley and Kia took over Henry and Cam's room. However, since everyone was visiting, the rooms were back to their normal manner. It was a tight house, needless to say. Lance, Harley, Kia and Luca all volunteered to sleep on various floors or couches so the other paladins could have the two bunk beds in Lance's childhood room. Of course, they'd denied, but the siblings all insisted on sleeping in the living room. They reluctantly agreed. Lance did ask to sleep on the floor in his room, saying, "It's nice to be with my other family, too." Hunk nearly bawled on site.
After a dinner, they all settled down for the night. The McClain family ate later than most families, mostly due to the fact that their kids were out and about most nights until 9. As Lance headed up the stairs, the paladins noticed him smiling broader than he ever did, but he had a stream of tears trickling down his cheek. They all engulfed him in a hug once they were upstairs which led to some toe-stepping and balance-losing.
They all laughed as they sat down in the small space on the floor between the two beds.

The paladins returned to the Holt household in due time. They all believed that they'd bonded more then than they had in many weeks of training and fighting together.  Allura and Coran were baffled by the change in attitude. Pidge and Lance, who often would pick senseless arguments, were sharing earbuds and dancing together. Hunk and Shiro, who were never the best of buds, now could chatter for days on end unless interrupted. And Keith, well, he seemed genuinely happy for the first time in awhile. And most startling, they'd all be often found dozing off or relaxing in a cuddle pile.
Romelle had confessed to Pidge one night that she felt so alone, even surrounded by the universe's heroes. So, they'd adopted her too. Krolia would fall asleep against Yorak, too, so she essentially was part of this cuddle puddle too. Coran and Allura eventually gave in. Matt once found himself napping before the crowd arrived, and then became part of it too.

They'd still bicker often, but it was light hearted and well intended. They'd play any game they could find. The unusual pairings, like Hunk and Keith or Pidge and Krolia, would go on spontaneous strolls mid-afternoon together.
But, at least, everything in the universe seemed so perfect.

WC: 1148

A/N: how's about that! No ships or anything. Just breaking laws of traditional friendships and toxic masculinity (;

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