Pirate AU

187 3 0

CW: blood, cursing

The day is warm as the pirate ship The Empire crossed the ocean, north bound, out of sight from the shore. The captain's name, to the pirates, was Shiro. His full name was Takashi Shirogane, but only his right hand man, Keith, knew this. They were childhood best friends, growing up on the poor streets. Keith was younger than Shiro by a few years. Their main objective was to spite the Coalition, the main ruling power of the world. They'd ransack their major supply cities and take down their ships.
Shiro had someone back on the mainland and he'd promised to have returned about a year ago, but he'd gotten caught up in his work, so he was now on the ship with them. His name was Adam. He did most of the cooking and Shiro would send him away whenever they got into a battle. Of course, Adam was a pussy and didn't like any of it, but was happy with Shiro.
They were sought after by a Coalition ship, no, the Coalition ship, Voltron. It was the biggest and most well known ship of the Coalition fleet. The captain was Allura. Her lieutenants were Lance, Hunk and Pidge. Her right hand man was Coran. The other ranks comprised of Bandor, Romelle, Matt and Krolia. Keith had kept one huge secret from his crew. Krolia was his mom.
He'd grown up an orphan. For the most part, Shiro and Adam raised him. He'd gone to school, a military school, with Lance, Hunk, Pidge and Matt. He'd met Bandor and Romelle towards the end of his time at the academy. Allura had been graduating when Keith started, so he only saw he shaking hands at graduation. Her dad had been a really famous war hero. Bandor had been really sick when Keith met him, so he probably didn't know Keith that well. 
Keith sat up in his chair. He made his was to the captain's quarters. He made sure to knock, he had no idea what Shiro and Adam would be up to. Thankfully, they were looking at a map.
"Keith, come in please," Shiro said.
Keith entered.
They plotted a course to the nearest supply city, which would be two days of rough sea travel.
"Won't they expect it?" Keith asked.
"No! We generally move south, then go somewhere else for a few months before starting up north and making down south again," Shiro insisted.
"I-alright." Keith was skeptical.
"Keep your priorities straight, Keith," Shiro warned.
"I know, I know," Keith said.
A private named Lotor ran in.
"Captain, there's a ship off port side," he said.
Shiro sighed, then went to look. It was a large ship.
"Telescope," He said. Lotor handed him one. Adam held onto his arm. "God Lord, it's Voltron. It's our chance to take them down!"
"Shiro," Adam frowned. "I don't think this is a good idea."
"Nonsense, babe. It'll be fine. They're unprepared." Shiro waved him off.
Keith frowned and backed off.
As you may have assumed, Voltron was prepared and this wouldn't end well. Shiro divided his crew across the ship's defenses. He sent Keith to be a swordsman in case they were boarded, and invade if they could board. Which meant Keith was either going to die, or be left on the ship as the only prisoner.
Voltron's cannons fired first. It shook the whole ship. Then The Empire fires back with fury. The Empire had the upper hand when one of Voltron's crew swung on board. Keith was not prepared for Krolia. He hesitated.
"Keith, fight!" Shiro yelled. He jumped down onto the deck and stepped between Krolia and Keith. He drove her back against the side.
"Shiro, stop!" Keith cried.
"What is your problem?" Shiro yelled.
The rest of the crew had abandoned ship, except for Shiro and Keith as Shiro pushed for the final blow to put her over the side. She swung around and Shiro hit the water. She breathed heavily as she pointed her sword at Keith.
"Drop your weapon!"
She seemed to recognize Keith as he dropped his sword and put his hands up. Voltron drew nearer and set up a plank in between the two ships. Krolia led Keith across, where he was immediately grabbed by some of the crew roughly.
"Hey, it's the dropout! Takashi's lackey!" A voice scoffed.
"Even your crew left you behind! Just like your parents!" Another voice laughed.
"Stop!" Krolia yelled, dropping down to the deck.
"Yes, do," Allura called from above. "Since he's come from the same place we have, he gets a choice. Keith, will you join us, or will you walk the plank?"
He'd trusted Shiro with his life and most of his secrets and he'd ignored him. He'd trusted the Coalition with his life and they betrayed him. He'd Goddamn trusted the Rebellion with his life, and they'd left him. He wanted an end to the Rebellion.
"I'll join you," he looked out.
Allura descended to the deck. "Unhand him. Keith, do you pledge your alliance to the Coalition and Voltron, and if you should defy us, shall you die a gruesome and long death?"
"Good." Allura pressed a knife to her hand, then did the same to Keith's. They shook hands. "Treat him as your peer. If I suspect you of defying this, you will not receive rations for a week."
The crew murmured.
"And by the way, Keith, you're on probation until I see fit."
Keith thought this was fair. They all dispersed.
"Hey man, it's good to see you. Shiro holding you captive?" Lance approached Keith, smiling. 
Keith offered a small smirk. "If only."
"Shiro has- had some good in him. He had the right reasons, but he used you and Adam to execute them," Lance said sympathetically.
Keith nodded.
"I'm sorry," he said. "You can bunk with me if you want. Don't know if anyone else will be talking to you much for a while."
"Yes, cool, yeah."
None of the others immediately warmed up to Keith. Pidge, after a week, started brushing shoulders with him and Hunk started to joke around with him. Keith felt a burden lifted off his shoulders, though a heavy one replaced it. He'd let Adam go. What would he do? Would he assume both his beau and kind of son were dead? What if Shiro wasn't dead?
After awhile, everyone was comfortable with Keith. Even Allura had taken him off of probation.
One stormy day, one of the Coalition's ships approached Voltron. Then, it fired. Voltron didn't immediately fire back, and then they saw  Lotor standing on the deck. They fired back. All of the crew swung onto Voltron.
"Keith, stay back," Allura warned.
Keith saw two familiar figures swing down onto the deck last. Shiro and Adam.
Lotor charged at Keith. Keith took his sword and got a slice at his arm, then threw him overboard. Haggar came at Keith next. Keith stabbed her in the stomach and into the choppy sea she went.
"Keith!" Someone called.  It was Shiro. "Come with us!"
Keith stood in shock. Allura came to his side.
"We're going to use you as incentive. We won't actually hurt you."
Keith nodded.
Only Shiro and Adam were left. "Don't kill Adam, please," he whispered. Allura nodded and took ahold on Keith's shoulders.
"Drop your weapons or he dies," Allura pressed her sword against his throat. Adam and Shiro stood still for a moment. Adam dropped his pistol first. Hunk kicked it into the ocean. Shiro then hesitantly put down his sword. Pidge tossed it into the waves. Allura nodded at Lance and Hunk, who then bound them both to a post nearby. Krolia took Keith's hand. Allura paced around Shiro and Adam.
"Here are your options, Takashi, Adam, you either drown here or face trial on the mainland. Drown or risk rotting in prison," Allura said.
"I would rather rot than die at your hands," Shiro spat at Allura's feet.
"Very well then. Adam?" Allura raised an eyebrow at the brunette.
"Trial for me," he muttered.
On the mainland, they faced trial. Allura and some of the other higher ups asked to give them lesser sentences due to their background.
Keith stayed on the ship, eyes downcast, dragging himself around.
"Keith, it's okay," Lance said.
"I know. I still feel bad, though," Keith remarked.
Shiro ended up with six year's probation and lots of community service. Adam went off without a scratch.
Keith continued to serve for Allura.

AN: 1K! Oh my goddddddddd! We're currently 177 in langst sooo that's nice.
This is crappy sorry.

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