Deja Vu

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TW: mention of suicidal ideation
Ships: Klance
HC: Broganes, Pansexual Hunk, Fem!Pidge
POV: Keith

I hadn't seen Lance since he moved three years ago. Now, Shiro was getting married and he was here. And Shiro and his wife were big enough dicks that we were at the same table. And even worse, we were sitting next to each other at a crowded table.
We'd broken up in an angry fight three weeks before Lance moved to New Mexico to be with his sick mother. He argued that we could have a long distance relationship, and I said I couldn't have that strain on my life.
"Hey," Lance said.
"Oh, uh, hi," I stammered.
"How do you like Annie?" Lance gestured at Shiro's wife.
"I like her." I shrugged. "She and Shiro are a good couple."
"I think so, too. So, you have a boyfriend or fiancé or husband? I'd be disappointed if I wasn't invited to your wedding, though," Lance joked.
I laughed. "None of the above," I said.
"Keith Kogane, without a man. Peculiar."
"What about you?"
"Oh, uh, no," Lance scratched the back of his neck. "Not many up to par people in New Mexico." Oh. He hadn't dated anyone since he moved?
"How's your niece?" I changed the subject.
"She's good. She's fifteen now, so less fun. But now I have two more nieces and a nephew, so I'm not complaining."
I glanced over at Pidge, who was now 21, and proving that by drinking as much vodka as her tiny body could hold. Hunk was laughing with his enbyfriend (nonbinary term for boyfriend or girlfriend) and Allura and her fiancé.
"Everyone's grown up and I missed it," Lance said in a nostalgic tone.
"Yeah. Allura's gonna get married, Hunk's not single, Pidge can legally drink and Shiro has a wife. Guess a lot happens in three years."
"What happened in those three years for you?"
"I graduated, uh, I moved to New York, and that's about it," I smiled. "What about you?"
"I haven't graduated yet. Those pesky six-year programs. Uh, stuff that's not appropriate for a wedding, more stuff that's not appropriate for a wedding, yeah."
"What kinda inappropriate wedding stuff?"
"My mom and other stuff I can explain later, but Pidge and Hunk would kill me if they found out."
I raised an eyebrow. "But I can know?"
Lance nodded. "I can tell you later. Allura knows, I guess Shiro knows half of it and Coran knows."
"Later, like when?"
"If you wanted to hangout after this or some other time this weekend?"
"Cool. Are you staying in New Mexico, you think?"
"Well, I graduate in May, next month, and I have a job offer up in a town called Lockport?"
I nearly choked. "New York?"
"Shut up, no."
"Yeah," Lance looked very confused.
"That's where I live, what the hell?"
Lance laughed. "Guess I'm meant to be stuck with you for the rest of eternity, loser."
"So what job is it?"
"Seventh grade science," Lance smiled.
"That's awesome. At the academy there?"
"No, the public school. What are you doing now?"
"I'm teaching at one of the dance schools there."
"Awesome. So would you want to hang out later today or?"
"Later today works. My room's right next to Shiro's and I don't want to hear things go bump in the night." Lance laughed.
"Cool. Is it okay if we hang out at my hotel or?"
"Yeah, that works."
After Shiro and Annie danced and ate cake and all that, I walked with Lance to his hotel.
What if he just wants to have sex? What if he kills me? What if? What if?
"Dude, are you okay?" Lance asked.
"What? Uh, sure," I said.
"Thought spiral?"
"Huh? Oh my god, you remembered that?" A thought spiral was something I had told Lance about when we were dating. It happened when my anxiety was on a high and I'd get trapped in what ifs and scenarios.
"Was it?"
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna murder you. Although, that would be a good murder plan." Lance laughed. I laughed too.
We sat on his bed, which wasn't made, since Lance always insisted on putting his hotel rooms on the 'do not clean list'.
"So," I said.
"So." Lance looked at his feet. "Show or tell?"
I shrugged. "Whatever."
"Show, then, since I'm dying of heat." Lance was wearing long sleeves, which in the unusual heat spell, must've miserable. "Is it okay if I take my shirt off?"
"Of course, yeah." I definitely did not visibly blush.
As Lance unbuttoned the shirt, he began to talk. "It was a month after I moved. I was really upset with myself because I did something stupid."
"Which was?"
"Maybe I'll tell you later. So, I unpacked my kitchen stuff and I found my knives."
"Oh god."
"And I started to do some bad things to myself. After about a week, it got worse and I cut open a major vessel. My sister found me and I spent a week in a mental hospital."
"Oh my god, Lance."
"Then two years later, my mom passed away and I thought that everyone I loved was just gone. So I did it again. I swallowed a bottle of Xanax and slit my wrists and I almost didn't make it. Allura came to visit after hearing about my mom and she called the police when I didn't answer my phone or open the door. I was that close, Keith." Lance shivered. His shirt was open, on his shoulders.
"Lance," my eyes were not watering.
"I'm okay now. After a while and a lot of therapy, I was able to stop. There was two years where I would come home from school and my mom's house and just watch myself bleed into the bathtub and wash it away. Okay, I'll show you now." He brushed the shirt off his arms and looked away from me. There were so many. Deep ones on his wrist, going all the way up to his shoulder.
"Lance," I muttered.
"I'm sorry, Keith," Lance whispered. I looked up at his face and tears ran down his cheeks. "I shouldn't have gone. I'm so sorry that we ended like that. I-"
"Shut up. I should've gone with you. I should've just sucked it up and texted you and called you."
"Keith, no, I was in the wrong. The real reason I didn't date was because no one was even close to you. I-I thought I was over you, but I guess I've been lying to myself this entire time."
I put my hands on his face and forced him to look at me.
"Keith, I-" Lance started.
"God, shut up. I definitely shouldn't do this." I kissed him. I kissed him like he never left, like we were still 22. Like it was the first time I kissed him when we played spin the bottle drunk when we were 19. He put his hands on my waist, like he didn't know I was ticklish there. I put my hands in his hair like I forgot that it turned him on. I kissed him like we were in Pidge's guest bedroom, making out away from prying eyes. He kissed me like it was the last kiss we shared before he left.
And the rest is history.

WC: 1233

AN: Something not with Shatt for once. XD. Also sorry that I make one of them a dancer in most of these. Whatever.

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