Dance School AU

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Ships n stuff: Klance, Shatt, CoranxAlfor
Other hc's: Nonbinary Pidge

First day of freshman year in college, I had no idea where to go. I didn't know anyone or where anything was. I was in the cafeteria the morning of my first day, since I had moved in before my roommate, and it was damn near empty. Then there was a voice behind me.
"You look confused. You a freshman?" A boy with light brown hair said.
"Yeah. I'm Lance. Special in hip hop," I smiled a little bit.
"Ooh, nice! That's my boyfriend's special! I'm Matt! I'm a junior, but my special is contemporary," he said.
"Well, nice to meet you Matt! Is there anyone else you could introduce me to?" I joked. Matt laughed.
"Of course! What, you don't think I have friends?" He grinned at me and waved me over to one of the tables.
"Guys, this is Lance. Freshman and hip hop!" Matt gestured at me. "Lance, that's Shiro, my boyfriend."
"Hi!" An amputee with grey hair waved at me.
"Hey," I responded.
"That's Keith, he's Shiro's half brother, kind of." Matt pointed at boy with a black mullet. He waved with two gloved fingers as he looked at his phone. "Allura."
"Hello, Lance, it's nice to meet you!" A girl with dark skin and white hair smiled at me.
"And to you," I grinned back.
"That's Hunk."
"'Sup man," a dark-ish skinned boy waved.
"'Sup," I laughed.
"And last, but also least-" Matt got to the last person.
"Hey!" The kid slapped Matt's arm, "I'm Pidge. That's my asshole brother." They pointed at Matt.
"Nice to meet you guys!" I said. I sat down next to Matt and Pidge.
"So, Lance, who's your roommate?" Shiro asked.
"I don't know. I got here late last night, and whoever it is hasn't gotten here yet," I responded.
"Bummer. There's a list on the campus website that says who you got." Matt frowned, and rested his hand on Shiro's arm.
"I'll have to check it out when I get back to my room, I guess." I smiled.
"So, Lance, are you doing theater as well?" Allura asked.
"Oh, yes!" I said. "I've always wanted to do theater, but my family never had enough money to pay the tuition."
"The theater teacher is awesome! He's Allura's stepdad!" Hunk said, through a mouthful of food.
After about forty five minutes of chatter, I went back to my room to check the campus website. I found my school email and password on my welcome packet and logged in.
Lance McClain. I scanned the form for Lance McClain. Hunk was rooming with someone named Kolivan and Allura and Pidge were rooming together. Shiro was rooming with a dude named Slav and Matt was rooming with some boy named Lotor. I found my name! I was rooming with Keith Kogane! What the hell? I found Shiro's room number, left the room and knocked on the door.
"Hi, Lance, what's up?" Shiro tilted his head, concerned.
"When did you and Keith get here?" I asked, out of breath from holding my breath the entire way here.
"Our flight got in late last night, so we stayed in a hotel. Keith just went to grab our suitcases from the hotel and checkout. Why?" Shiro stepped out of the threshold.
"Apparently, Keith's my roommate." I shrugged.
"Oh!" Shiro laughed, which very much confused me.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing, nothing!" He said, brushing past me and closing the door. "Well I gotta help Keith get the stuff out of the car! Catch you later!"
What the heck?
"Hey, Lance!" Hunk called from down the hallway.
"Hey!" I walked over to him.
"I could've sworn that I was rooming with Keith, but I guess not!" He looked confused.
"Yeah, kind of weird!" I agreed and went back to my room.
I called my mom and checked in, asked how my siblings and various nephews and nieces were. I thought about how Mama Rosa worked so hard for all of us. My dad was... not really in the picture. We had to visit him in California for a week every year (legally), but he sent five dollars with a birthday card on our birthdays, and that's as far as it went. He cheated on my mom when she was pregnant with my youngest sibling, Jordan, who's now fourteen. When he was around, he was drinking and working and was hardly ever home.
"Hunk, can you open the door?" Keith yelled from outside, snapping me out of my train of thought.
"Rooms got changed, Keith! You're rooming with me!" I shouted as I got up to open the door.
"Oh," he said, and I must've imagined a tint of pink on his cheeks. "That's weird."
"Let me help you," I said, taking Keith's suitcase.
"So I'm assuming you've chosen a bed?" Keith asked.
"Uh, no. I fell asleep in the chair last night by accident," I explained.
"Okay." He shuffled to the wall.
"What do you want then?" I asked him.
He shrugged. "I don't care."
"That's not helpful." I sighed.
"I'll take the one on the left then," Keith said, dumping his backpack onto the left bed.
"Cool," I responded, flopping on the right bed.
My phone buzzed.
Jordan: Miss you. Call me soon!
Lance: Miss you too. I'll call you later, k?
Jordan: Cool. Dad called.
Lance: He did?
Jordan: Yeah, he was asking if you made it to the community college.
Lance: Asshole. Tell Mama I love her. I gotta go!
Jordan: Will do! Talk to you soon
"Who are you texting, your girlfriend?" Keith joked.
"It was my little brother," I responded. "I don't have a girlfriend. You think these good looks are just up for grabs?" I laughed.
"You have siblings? Just that one or?" Keith sat up on his bed.
"I have- uh- like seven siblings," I said. "I'm the middle child. Is it just you and Shiro?"
"Well, yeah. We have the same dad, but different moms. We didn't know until Shiro's mom showed me a picture of his dad. We were good friends in middle school."
"Is your dad-" I stopped there, not wanting to finish.
"Yeah, when I was five, he was in a car accident. I was mostly brought up by my aunt," he said. "My mom got a job in Maine, and didn't want to move me."
"Oh, sorry. My dad's in California, so I kinda get it. He apparently called my house and asked if I got into the community college," I laughed. Keith smiled.
"Where are you from, anyway?" Keith asked.
"Minnesota. I'm a lake boy. What about you?" I giggled.
"Arizona, yuck. It's hot and gross," Keith responded.
"Where's Hunk from?" I wondered out loud.
"Maryland, I think."
"What about Matt and Pidge?"
"Washington state."
"Maine, duh."
"Oh, right, that makes sense. What was your specialty?"
"Too many," Keith laughed. "Hip hop is mine but I do ballet, ballroom, contemporary, jazz, you name it! Except salsa, I suck at salsa!"
"I'm the same, though ballroom isn't my forte!" I exclaimed, although I was good at salsa.
"So what does your future look like?" Keith hung upside down off the side of his bed.
"Prostitution, probably," I laughed. "I don't know, actually. I wanna dance, but I also want to support my siblings and nieces and nephews and mom. What about you?"
"Fostering kids, writing books, dancing, having a husband-" Keith stopped wide-eyed. "Wait, no!"
"I know you're gay from spending like twenty minutes with you! It's fine! I don't care!" I laughed. Keith laughed too.
"So that's what I want. Do you want a spouse someday? What's your dream person?"
"I don't know. I want a spouse, though. I thrive off of attention, so, yeah."
"Boys, girls, people in between?" Keith asked.
"I haven't ever liked a person in between. There really aren't many gender creative people where I live, but I'm not adverse to dating a nonbinary person," I shrugged.
"So you're bi, but questioning pan?" Keith nearly fell on the floor.
"Sure, that works."
"Pidge is nonbinary. Though, they're like sixteen, and like, having two of my friends dating a Holt is just weird." Keith fake shivered.
"Did they skip grades or?"
"Yeah, they're super smart. They're majoring in contemporary."
"That's really neat."
"I know. Pidge is like the coolest person ever."
"So Shiro's a senior? Are you a senior too?"
"No, I'm a freshman. I knew Shiro from dance class and he was two grades ahead of me. I went to community college for a year to get my regular credits out of the way."
"Smart. My mom wanted me out of the house but I did the same thing." I laughed.
"Since Shiro's a senior, the administration lets him pull some strings and oh, God! That's probably why the rooms changed."
"He has his like relationship ideas in his head. So I suppose he was like 'Keith and Lance would work, let's try this.'"
I frowned and laughed. "Why wouldn't he try to room with Matt?"
"Oh, the admin knows. So, that wouldn't happen if Shiro tried. Plus, he thinks it's better like separate rooms." Keith explained. I giggled.
The next day we had classes. It was an Arts school and it offered everything, but I had taken a kind of gap year, like Keith, to get the basic credits covered. Classes were open 7-10, and lasted an hour each, leaving 15 periods. I had Theater, Visual Art and AP Dance Studies. At the dance studio, they offered Solo Studies and Group Studies. I had 12 dance periods. I had a Salsa Duet Study, Hip Hop Duet Study, Group Contemporary Study, Group Ballet Study, Solo Ballet Study, Solo Hip Hop Study, Solo Contemporary Study, Group Ballroom Study, Group Jazz Study, Group Tap Study and Tap Duet Study and Ballroom Duet Study.
Lance McClain S1 MAI Schedule:
P1: Group Jazz Study AP
P2: Salsa Duet Study AP
P3: Group Ballroom Study AP
P4: Visual Arts
P5: Solo Ballet Study AP
P6: Study Hall
P7: Solo Contemporary Study AP
P8: Group Contemporary Study AP
P9: Hip Hop Duet Study AP
P10: Theater
P11: Group Ballet Study AP
P12: Solo Hip Hop Study AP
P13: Group Tap Study AP
P14: Tap Trio Study AP
P15: Ballroom Duet Study AP

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