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Ships: Klance, Shatt
HC: Nonbinary Pidge, Trans Keith

I sat in my own hallway as Keith changed in my room. Sure, Keith was my boyfriend, and he'd slept over the night before, but it was a new relationship and we hadn't gotten past kissing, and I honestly was not complaining.
I glanced through the crack between the door and the frame. I saw Keith's back turned to me and something black, maybe, covering his upper chest. It looked similar to a bra. I was very confused. I looked away as he pulled his flannel shirt over whatever that was. Then I remember Pidge had something similar. A binder, I think. Was Keith trans? Not that it mattered, I just, ugh!
I had met Keith through Pidge. Pidge's brother, Matt, was dating Keith's friend, Shiro. Shiro and Keith would come over and watch Pidge and I play video games. Pidge finally bought Revengance 4, and Keith told us he'd loved the series, so we played 4 player with Matt and Keith. We didn't do well, but it was fine. That was a year ago, and he started coming over to Pidge's house to play video games on Mondays and Fridays. Anyway, we started dating a month ago and that's how I ended up here.
"Pidge's party starts at six," I wondered out loud as Keith came out of my room.
"Yeah?" Keith frowned.
"Oh, thinking to myself. I was just wondering what to do with the rest of my day."
"Me," Keith burst out laughing. "Kidding, kidding."
"Sure you are," I winked.
"Stop!" Keith laughed, offering me a hand up. "I don't have anything to do today, if you want to hang out with me."
I took his hand and hauled myself up onto my feet. "Sounds perfect." I kissed him on the cheek. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me.
"Mm, I love you," Keith murmured, burying his face in my neck.
"I love you too," I hugged him close. "Why do I have a feeling that everyone's gonna find out about us at this party?"
"Probably. Pidge is nosy, and Shiro has eagle eyes." Keith untangled himself from me.
"Where did Shiro think you were last night?"
Keith shrugged. "I told him I was staying with a friend and he didn't press it."
"Alright. How about brunch?"
"Sounds great." I took him to the small diner down on Main Street with the intention of wandering downtown after breakfast.
The waiter took our order and we began to talk.
"So, Lance," Keith fiddled with the black bracelet on his wrist. "There's something I need to tell you."
"Yeah?" I put my hand over his and looked at his face.
"Oh God, I should've told you, like, a month ago." Keith bit his lip.
"It's okay, babe." I smiled at him.
"I-I, okay, I got this. I-I'm trans, like assigned female at birth and that's mostly why I've been so nervous these past couple days. With me sleeping over, I've been worried you-you'd find out before I told you," Keith rushed to say. "And I understand if you're mad or like upset, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
"No, no, I'm not upset, Keith. I'm really happy you told me. Also, I'm not addicted to sex, you loser." I laughed.
"I-I know."
"So about sex? Do you have reservations about it or?"
"Uh," Keith flushed bright red. "No, I- I'm cool with pretty much anything, just you know, your thing to my thing, it depends on the circumstances." Keith looked really embarrassed.
"Cool," I nodded. I smiled at Keith and shyly smiled back. "So when'd you know? Is that an insensitive thing to say?"
Keith laughed. "No, I don't think so. I guess I always was different than my friends, but I came out as trans when I was like thirteen. And that's kinda how Matt and Shiro became friends, 'cuz Pidge and I were friends from a trans support group or whatever. They were in the same class and were like 'oh yeah, are siblings are friends.' So how'd you meet Pidge?"
"We were childhood neighbors, and we were kind of friends until I started a GSA in middle school and they showed up and then we became best friends."
"Nice. What about Allura?"
"That's a funny story! She used to date my older brother, and we became best friends and they broke up, so, we ranted about my brother all the time." Keith snorted.
"Nice," he said. Our food arrived and we ate in silence.
"So are your parents like cool with it?"
"What? Oh, yeah. Well, it was only my dad then and he was really supportive. Although, he did think it was a making myself heterosexual thing, so he was confused when I came out as gay." Keith laughed. "Yeah, I did a year of gender therapy and then I started T, that was our deal."
"Nice." I nodded.
"So I've been on T for almost five years now. I haven't gone under the knife or anything, 'cause it's expensive, but I'm probably fine not wearing a binder, I just get real self conscious. Do you know what a binder is?"
"Yeah. Enough time spent with Pidge, I consider myself pretty educated." Keith laughed.
"Cool." We finished our food and wandered around Main Street for a bit.
"Did you get Pidge a present?" I asked.
"My presence is a gift," Keith joked. "But I did."
"Not liquor I hope?" I laughed.
"All three feet of them would be wasted after two sips."
"They are only sixteen, too. But Matt is their older brother." Matt was known for his reckless behavior.
"Which is why he and Shiro are horrible! Wonder how he lost his arm?" Keith joked.
"Fair enough."
At five thirty, we drove over to Pidge's house.
"So that right there," I pointed at the yellow house next to Pidge's. "Is where my Mama lives. And two of my brothers and my three little sisters, and of course, Leelah and Lukas."
"Leelah? Lukas?"
"Oh my God, do you not know?" I gasped, then laughed. "That is all my fault, I didn't tell you!"
"Give me a second."

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