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TW: implication of sex

"Keith, I'm sorry," Shiro frowned. Keith's boyfriend, or now ex-boyfriend, has broken up with him a few days before. Keith was torn up over it, but it wasn't really ruining his life. Yet.
"Yeah." Keith didn't meet his eyes.
"Hey, so my friend's friend has a friend who's single and just awesome. You'd really like him. You can meet tonight." Shiro took out him wallet and handed him a card.

Lance McClain
aka Blue
14th Street Bar

"Blue Lion?" Keith asked.
"You'll see."
"Is he a bartender?"
"You'll see."

Keith went anyways. It turns out 14th Street Bar was a gay bar, but that was all the information he could obtain. Keith took an Uber there, in case he was drinking. Keith would turn twenty two in the upcoming months, but he looked a lot older. Shiro recommended Keith sit at the bar.
So Keith arrived at seven and sat at the bar. He ordered one drink and sipped it for an hour, then ordered another one. He sipped that one for an hour and ordered another one. Then, at nine, the show began. A curtain behind the bartenders opened to reveal a metal pole.
Oh god, why did Shiro send me here?
An announcer declared that first up was "Princess." It was a darker skinned female, with a pink color scheme. Her hair was really long and white. She was tall and slim.
"Yas girl!" Was heard all around. Keith smiled a bit.
After she was done, it was time for "Pidgeon." It was a smaller girl (maybe). She was short and wore green. She was cute and looked too young to be doing this, but she was good. Then came the final routine. Blue.
Keith watched very carefully as a Latino boy walked on stage, swinging his hips. He was wearing skintight glittery shorts, which were blue. He picked up a microphone which the bartender handed him.
"This is for Keith," he said, in a tone that made everyone in the bar shiver. Keith flushed red. Blue must've guessed he was Keith by the way he blushed, since he winked in his direction.
Keith was floored. This boy was gorgeous and better than the two girls who'd been on stage before.
When Blue was done, he disappeared backstage and Keith ordered a shot of tequila, which he quickly downed. Then he heard someone sit next to him. It was Blue. He had on a mesh shirt, in blue, on now, but it didn't really hide much. He ordered a sprite.
"Don't drink?" Keith asked, a little nervous.
The boy laughed. "Oh, just not in the workplace." Keith smiled a little before chugging the rest of his drink. "I'm Lance, by the way."
"I'm Keith."
"I know."
"So which friend of a friend of a friend are you?"
"So, Pidgeon's older brother is Shiro's friend and we're friends, for the most part."
"I'm gonna drop her off, let me know when you're home," Pidgeon told Lance, with Princess behind her. The two now had on crop tops and leggings.
"Mkay," Lance replied.
"Hi, Keith, heard a lot about you," Pidgeon said.
"Good things I hope?" Keith joked.
"Eh," Pidgeon smiled at Keith. "I go by Pidge, by the way."
"Oh! Matt's sister! Er- sister?" Keith said.
Pidge laughed. "Yeah, Matt's sister."
"Cool, nice to meet you."
"And to you."
The two girls left, leaving Lance and Keith at the bar by themselves.
"So, you wanna get out of here?" Lance asked. 
Keith shrugged. "Sure."
"I'm assuming you got a Lyft here?"
"Whatever," Lance rolled his eyes and hit Keith's arm. "I'll take you home."
"Oh, you don't have to, I can call an Uber." Keith shook his head.
"No, no. I want to take you home. If that's alright with you?" Lance smiled just a little. 
Keith turned a little pink at the possible implications of Lance driving him home. Honestly, he wouldn't have minded whether the stereotype of taking someone home after something like this happened or not. He guessed he just liked spending whatever time he had with Lance.
"Yeah, sure," Keith grinned at Lance, who grinned back.
"Where do you live, then?" Lance asked.
"Uh, like Morristown?" Keith said. 
"Oh! Okay! That's where I live too. You'll have to give me directions, though, once we get into Morristown." Lance stood up and took Keith's hand as he led him out to his car. It was an oldish VW beetle, in blue, of course. Keith gave him directions and found out his apartment building was just across from his. He pulled up to the front of the apartment building.
"Do you- er- wanna come in?" Keith asked.
"Sure." Lance parked in the guest parking spot and Keith walked him inside. His apartment was on the fifth floor, a corner unit. They took the elevator, which Lance silently thanked Keith for doing. "Quick question," Lance said in the elevator.
"Shoot," Keith faced him.
"Is this a come in thing or a come in thing?" Lance asked. Keith laughed.
Keith then shrugged. "I just like spending time with you, I don't care. That certainly wasn't my intention, but," he looked Lance up, and Lance flushed, "I wouldn't mind either way."
"O-o-okay," Lance stuttered.
"Man, I've made McClain flustered," Keith teased.
Lance rolled his eyes. "Whatever." Keith unlocked his door and held it open for Lance, who stepped inside.
Keith's apartment was fairly neat. A few pieces of paper were on the floor, and the recycling looked like it was meant to be taken out prior to leaving for the bar.
"So," Keith said.
"So," Lance echoed. Lance took a moment and then gently, just barely, put his hands on Keith's waist. He flinched. "Are you ticklish?"
"Yeah," Keith laughed as Lance continued to poke him in the side. "Stop!" Keith giggled. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's neck. They looked at each other. Then, Lance leaned in. Keith followed suit. Their foreheads were touching, then, their lips touched. Keith was seeing shades of purple behind his closed eyes. They broke away for a moment. The two laughed and blushed, just a tiny bit. Lance pressed his lips to Keith's, with more aggression and passion before. Lance pushed Keith back against a wall. He pulled away and Keith looked at him for a moment before Lance opened his mouth.
"I'll do this for free, since I like you, but next time's not guaranteed," Lance said in a fond voice, though low and Keith almost didn't hear it.

Lance and Keith cuddled after they'd put their boxers back on. Lance's phone buzzed. Keith whined as Lance grabbed his phone.

Pidgey: you home?
Lance: if home is a person, im home
Pidgey: gone and fallen in love, have we?
Lance: he's perfectttt pidgey
Pidgey: keith?
Lance: im in love pidge
Pidgey: that will get passed onto him
Pidgey: are you drunk?
Lance: drunk in love
Pidgey: *sigh* are you sober
Lance: yes
Pidgey: k. are you in morristown?
Lance: yes. across the street from my apartment
Pidgey: k be safe, and don't be late tmrw!
Lance: i won't

"Who's that?" Keith mumbled.
"Pidge." Lance turned back to Keith, who snuggled into him.
Not but ten minutes later, Keith's phone buzzed.

Shiro: IMG_623 (Pidge and Lance's conversation)
Shiro: Pidge sent this to Matt, who sent it to me.
Shiro: So what are you up to?
Keith: mmmmm
Keith: wait what?!
Keith: he didn't say that
Keith: he definitely didn't
Shiro: mkay Whatever you think
Shiro: you okay? use protection?
Keith: pfff im fine
Shiro: alright see you around

"Shiro said you said this to Pidge." Keith showed Lance his phone, with the picture he opened.
Lance blushed. "Yeah, I did."
Keith squeaked. "O-okay."
"Keith, I really really like you, and I know you've known me for like a couple hours but will you be my boyfriend?" Lance slowly asked.
"Yes, of course!" Keith nodded.
"Cool," Lance smiled. He didn't hand Keith's phone back. After a minute, he gave it back to Keith. It was opened to a new contact.


"Thanks," Keith smiled.
"Of course." Lance grinned before gently kissing Keith again. "Do you mind me being -er- a stripper?"
"No!" Keith said. "Of course not! That's what you love, and as long as you're safe and not banging other people."
Lance laughed. "Thanks, Keith."

WC: 1406

A/N: ooh I almost considered writing the filthy scene. glad I didn't 😂

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