So Quiet

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Based on a comic I saw.
Ships: Klance
HC: Fem!Pidge

"Keith!" Everyone had yelled upon my return. Even Allura, who I've had tense relations with since I told everyone I was part Galra, joined the group hug. Lance, surprisingly, ran the fastest and got to me first. The embrace disengaged and Lance moved to the back of the group. The Spice Mice climbed up onto his shoulder. Bizarre, but not too startling.
Everyone settled in the lounge. Lance sat on the arm of a chair with the Spice Mice as we caught up. He was entirely quiet. Was he okay? Why did he seem so down? Eventually, they all left to get ready for dinner. I was about to leave when I saw Lance didn't move.
"Lance?" I quietly called.
"Hm? Oh, hi, Keith," Lance turned just barely.
"Are you- are you okay?"
Lance shrugged. "You don't wanna know."
I sighed and sat next to Lance. "What's up?"
"Lance," I put my hand on his shoulder.
He took a deep breath. "I want to go home, but I also don't want to leave you guys."
"Do you not know?" Lance frowned in disbelief.
"Know what?"
"The plan, now that you're back, is to send me back to Earth and you pilot Red again." Lance sadly said.
"Not my decision."
"Lance, if you leave, I won't pilot Red. The team's- the team's not right if you're not here."
"Tell that to Allura and Shiro."
"It was their decision?"
"Well, Hunk and Pidge are my best friends and Coran's like a father to me. They tried to reason with them, but it didn't work."
"I can't let that happen."
"I leave in like, ten minutes, so, you have to."
"No!" I stood up and ran out of the room. Pidge had built everyone communicators when I left, and Lance and I talked a lot when I missed the castle or he felt alone. We'd become really close over the few months I was gone.
I ran to the control hub. Coran leaned against the wall sadly while Allura and Shiro were messing with controls.
"I can't figure this out!" Allura threw her hands up. "Get Pidge."
"Stop!" I yelled.
"Keith? What's wrong?" Shiro asked, while paging Pidge.
"You can't do this to Lance! You can't do this to the team!"
"Keith, we have to," Allura explained. "There's not six lions!"
"If you send him, I'll go too!"
"I will too," Pidge said behind me. She took my hand in hers.
Shiro sighed. "It doesn't matter. We'll find a way." Coran put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm going too." He said.
"Page Hunk," Allura returned to her work. Shiro did as he was told and Hunk came running in.
"What?" Hunk asked.
"Can you program Lance's flight route?" Shiro asked.
"Uh, I can't, Shiro. I'm sorry," Hunk glanced at Pidge before standing next to her.
"I'll figure it out, screw it," Allura angrily pounded on the control system. Shiro took out his communicator.
Moments later, Lance trudged in. "What's this?"
"The team won't be the same without you, Lance. We're not letting them send you back!" Hunk said.
"Guys, you'll be better without me, be honest with yourselves."
"Shut up!" I yelled. "Lance, our team, Voltron, doesn't work without you! We can't lose you! I can't lose you!"
"Why?" Lance twitched, challenging Keith to admit to the friendship they'd built.
"Because I- I- I love you, Lance!" I stepped to him and kissed him. He melted into me.
I woke up, cold and shaking. I was on the Castle of Lions. I had just returned from a Blades of Marmora mission. I sat up, opened the door and walked to Lance's door. I gently knocked. I heard a sniffle. Lance opened his door.
"Keith?" He asked quietly.
"Lance, I really, really like you," I spoke.
"Oh, I- I," He stammered. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed back and pulled me out of the hallway.
"I can't lose you," I muttered.
"Shut up and kiss me, loser," he smiled.
The next morning, Lance was lying on my chest, fast asleep.

WC: 694

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