Good Morning

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CW: implication of sex

I was up before Lance, a rare feat of fate. He hadn't closed the curtains before we fell asleep last night. I begrudgingly walked over to the window. I had planned on closing the curtains, then falling asleep, but I instead stood at the window and watched the sun rise over Seattle.
I heard Lance wolf-whistle. "Good morning, gorgeous!"
I laughed and turned to him. I was wearing my usual sleep attire: my boxers and one of Lance's shirts, both of which clearly revealed the marks Lance had made on my inner thighs and neck.
He whistled again. "I'm so lucky. Oh my God, you're beautiful."
I blushed slightly. "Lance, what are you sucking up for?"
"What? Absolutely nothing. I know nothing of sucking up to you! I've never heard of such a thing!" He grinned. I went over and sat crisscross on our bed, facing him. "But seriously, I'm just saying what's on my mind. Constantly. All the time. You're a distraction."
"I better be. I didn't come halfway across the country to live with you for nothing!"
This was Lance, my boyfriend of six years. We'd moved in together four years ago. Prior to living together, I'd been holed up in Phoenix, Arizona. We'd met during an internship in Seattle and started dating three months later. The internship lasted for 20 months, so we spent seven months in a long distance relationship. That was rough. I guess it really wasn't an internship, though. They hired top of the class graduated science majors to help figure out the origins of a craft landed in the Pacific Ocean. I was (and am) an anthropologist, and Lance was (and kind of is) a marine biologist. We met our close friends Pidge, Matt, Bandor, Romelle, Allura and Shiro there. Pidge and Matt were techies. Bandor and Romelle were experts in alien cultures. Allura was an archaeologist, and Shiro majored in archaeology, but also went on missions to the alien societies nearby.
We all made enough money from that study to retire, but none of us did. Lance made more after bringing back and researching a specimen from deep sea. He laid off work, but he still volunteered regularly, taught some classes on occasion and did some studies every now and then. I currently taught classes at the local college. Matt moved away for awhile, then came back last year. Other than that, no one left Seattle.
Lance and I got up to make breakfast. Saturday mornings were our guaranteed morning together. Lance started on the pancakes and I went for the eggs and bacon. He flipped the first pancake. It was burnt.
"¡Grosero! ¡Solo estoy tratando de hacer comida para mí y para mi niña! ¡¿Es una broma?!" Lance laughed as he shouted at the pancake.
(rude! I'm just trying to make food for me and my girl! you kidding me?!)
"Did you call me your girl again?" I laughed and rolled my eyes.
He reached around me to steal a piece of bacon. "Of course I did, chica."
I sighed. "I should've just not learned what girl was in Spanish."
"I can't believe you've put up with me for this long!" He joked. "How are you this morning?"
"We'll see when I have to sit on a solid surface."
He snorted. "Sorry."
"Nooo," I said childishly. I moved to hug him from behind and started kissing his neck. "I could never be mad at you!"
He squirmed and laughed. "Chica, I'll burn another pancake if you keep that up!"
"What are your plans for the week?" I sat on the counter.
"Ten to four at Children's on every day except Wednesday. I'm subbing for Andy's class again, so maybe we carpool?"
"Cool, sure. Doesn't he only have classes till three?"
"Yeah. I figured I'd camp out in the car for two hours."
"No, you can stay in my class if you want. You just can't cause trouble."
"Chica, I never cause trouble."
I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

We finished breakfast and cleaned up.
"Hey, hey, hey Lance," I said.
"Yes, yes, yes, Keith?" Lance responded, leaning against the counter. A song had come on. The lyrics were along the lines of, "I wanna marry my best friend."
Lance laughed. We loved this song. We danced in the kitchen. At the last chorus, I quickly opened a drawer in the kitchen, pulling out the small black box I'd hid in there last night when I came home. I knelt on the tile.
"Lance, will you marry me?" I grinned.
"You did not!"
"That's not a good answer."
"I thought I was gonna have to do it."
"Me too. I got tired of waiting."
"Pft! I- oh my god, yes!"
I laughed as I slid the band onto his hand. It was silver, with a tiny blue stone and a tiny red stone. Between them was a small purple one.
"Keith, when did- how- wait, what?!" He laughed.
"Oh I've had the ring for probably like a year now, I just haven't had the balls to actually do it till last night."
"You were gonna propose last night?"
I shrugged. "I dunno."
"How do you not know?!" He laughed. He helped me to my feet and kissed me. "God, I can't believe you did that."
"Mhm." I smiled at him.
On Monday, I rode my bike to the campus where I worked. I was always at least fifteen minutes early, but there usually were students in the class already. As I walked in, one of the girls came up to me.
"Professor Kogane! I don't have my paper today. Can I get an extension?" She asked. This girl happened to lie all the time.
"What's the excuse?"
"My printer wasn't working."
"There's printers in the library."
"All the computers were full."
I sighed. "Do you have your laptop with you?"
She nodded.
"Print it to my printer."
Her eyes went wide. "I- it's on a flash drive and I left it in my dorm!"
"Go get it. You still have," I looked at my watch. "Twelve minutes."
She scrambled away. My students liked me, told me I was their favorite teacher, but I knew the kids who were suck ups and liars. They probably didn't like me very much.
"Anyone else need to print their papers? No, I did not say write the paper," I said to the handful of students there. They laughed and shook their heads. A different girl walked up to my desk as I sat down.
"Professor Kogane, do you think you could talk about your UFO 92 thing? I was looking it up for my paper, and your name was on the study!"
"It's a bit under raps still, but if you want to stay after five on Wednesday, I'll have my fiancé here, who also worked on that?"
"Oh my god! Really? Of course!"
My fiancé. Fiancé. That sounded odd, but I liked it. She ran off. Class started soon after.
"Good morning! I said this before, and I doubt it's the last time I say it, but if you need to print, come early." I took a breath. "Also, agenda for the week. Lectures on today, tomorrow, and Thursday. Friday's the review quiz. You know the drill. No phones or laptops. You can have 1 sheet of notes. Retakes for last week can be every day after class except Wednesday. On Wednesday, we have a special guest, the professional nuisance. He'll probably talk a bit, and then we'll play jeopardy or watch a video or something."
A kid in the back of the class raised his hand. "Who's the guest?"
"Oh, you're new here. Are you in Mr. Sire's class?" He nodded. "You into marine exploration?" He nodded. "Mr. Sire has a sub on his classes, and the sub will be here for this class and my last class."
"His boyfriend!" One girl shouted.
"No," I said.
"How did you meet the professional annoyance anyway?" A boy piped up.
"I've told this story before. We met while doing a study. He's my best friend and also my roommate."
"I thought you said last week you had a one bedroom apartment."
"I did not!" I laughed. I totally had.
"Kogane has a boyfriend!" A girl sang.
"If I answer five questions about him, will you guys all promise to listen to the lecture?"
"Okay, shoot." I sat back with my feet on the desk.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Someone shouted.
"Is he your husband?" Someone else yelled.
The girl who was staying after on Wednesday piped up. "Fiancé?"
"Ding ding ding!"
The room erupted into chaos.
"How long have you been together?"
"Six years."
"How long have you been engaged?"
"Roughly 48 hours."
"Who proposed?"
"That was five questions."
There was a collective sigh of disappointment.
"But it was me. So let's get started."
"Are you a virgin?"
"Not appropriate."
"Who tops?"
"No! Stop! He won't come in on Wednesday if you don't shut up and listen! Mostly because if you asked him, he probably would answer."
Everyone laughed.
"Let's get going, guys."

Wednesday came around. Lance drove the two of us to the campus. We were there super early, so we both sat down in the shitty office chair I had, legs swung over the opposing arm of the chair. Lance's legs were over mine, since he was very leggy.
A girl named Amanda walked in. "Hi, Mr. Annoyance and Mr. Kogane."
"Why?" Lance laughed.
"Because," I answered. We untangled ourselves as more people flooded in. "Good morning! We have the professional annoyance here today, who you all know. Really fast, before I give the floor to you guys, on the quiz this week-"
Lance wolf whistled. "Look at this. What a good teacher. You guys are lucky. I'm lucky. Hell, look at that-"
"Shut up," I said calmly. "Please and thank you. Anyway, do note that Monday's lecture was missing a slide. Here, I'll pull it up real fast." I went to my computer, bringing up the slide. They all hastily wrote it down. "Okay, are we good? Questions? Lance, anything you need to say?"
He stood up. "Who likes me more than him?"
The class's hands went up. "Guys, that's not fair." Everyone shrugged. "Okay, are we watching a video or what?"
They ended up watching a ninety minute long vine compilation.
Wednesday went well, I thought. Lance, for the most part behaved himself. We stayed up later and I missed my alarm the next morning. Lance was already awake when I got up.
"What time is- Jesus Christ! Lance, why didn't you get me up?!"
"You looked so peaceful." I groaned. "I'm leaving in half an hour if you want a ride."
"Nooo," I whined, burying my face into the pillow.
"Good morning to you, too."

WC: 1811

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